Chapter 6|Cell Phone

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When I woke up the next morning, my shoulder was throbbing painfully, and my chest ached from where he had kicked me.

Wincing in pain as I sat up, I noticed that I woke up early this time. I smiled softly as this was a rare occasion, I could avoid him and make it to school before Savannah would be able to torment me.

I slowly walked downstairs, nearly limping to grab a granola bar before I left when, I noticed a sticky note on the fridge.

Gone to work conference in Carson city for a week. Try anything, and you're dead meat.

My mouth popped open in surprise and I squealed in relief. He couldn't hurt me! For the entire week!!

I was mentally bouncing with happiness, and with an elated smile on my face, I walked outside to my car. But, when I turned the key in the ignition, it simply didn't start. I tried again and got the same outcome.

With an annoyed sigh, I stepped out of my car only to become face to face, well face to chest, with Axel, who was twirling a small piece of metal in his hands.

"Since you took me home, I figured I could repay you by taking you to school," he stated, looking down at me with a small smirk.

As realization dawned on me I become a bit angry. "So, instead of just offering me a ride, you crippled my car?"

His grin widens, "Yep!"

I groaned. Axel, -like most cliché bad boys- rode a motorcycle and thanks to him fucking with my car, I had to get on that death machine. I had never ridden one before and I hadn't planned on riding one anytime soon.

Axel hopped on the motorcycle and the engine roared to life, making me jump ten feet back. There was no way I was getting anywhere near that thing! Axel motioned for me to get on, but I shook my head declining his offer.

"No thank you."

"Come on baby girl," he cooed, giving me a breathtaking smile. Axel handed me a helmet before grabbing my waist and putting me on behind him. I winced as I inhaled sharply, my ribs were still very tender.

I quickly hooked my arms around his waist. My heart was pounding against my chest crazily from the closeness of our bodies, which I'm pretty sure he noticed.

I guess my life was a little cliche. The good girl gets on the motorcycle with the bad boy, gets scared and holds on tightly to the bad boy. Once we were ready, he took off at a mild speed, I was expecting myself to fall off and get serious injuries, which thankfully, I didn't. 

The wind whipped around us as we sped down the road. I was getting used to the feeling when Axel sped up causing me to hold him tighter.

Damn it!

Minutes later we arrived at the school. I immediately hopped off of the motorcycle and did my best to run away from Axel. Not only was he taken, but being seen being nice to me would be social suicide for him. I called a half-assed 'bye' over my shoulder before he was swarmed by his friends.

When I walked into school, I headed straight to my locker and standing there awaiting my arrival was an anxious-looking Heather.

Wes had a free period for his first hour, so he usually slept in, unless he had tutoring. I walked up to Heather. "What's going on?" I asked.

"Why didn't you tell me you're dating the school's number one bad boy?" Heather asked, shaking her finger at me accusingly.

"Because I'm not," I spat through clenched teeth, with a grimace.

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