My Name Is Molly

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My name is Molly I'm 19 and I guess you can say I'm struggling. I live in a badass hood where everybody selling and the only way to make it out is rap, play sports, or hope for the best.

My childhood hasn't been the best one, when I was young I had an abusive father. They called him Kennedy cause that was his last name but nobody knew his first not even me. He use to beat me up real bad when he got drunk. One time he beat me up so bad that I couldn't take it anymore so I called the cops and they took him away. I guess he had done some more bad stuff cause he's been in jail for a long time and is in there till this day.

I live with my mother and my little brother. I hate my mother with all my heart. She had the nerve to let my father beat me and watched. But the cops never took her away so I was stuck with her. She called me mean thing, cursed at me, and started to turn her life to drugs. She comes home extremely late, sleep, and then goes back out. Then when she's really off it she has the nerve to call me names and tell me how I broke the family. At times I think she's right, my family wasn't suffering when my father was around but since he was locked up it's been bad. Then on top of that I look like my father so it made shit worst. Every time she looked at me and she was drunk she say these things as if I was my father himself.

Then I have my little brother and the only good person in my family. He's 12 years old and is mature for his age cause he has seen it all. One day me and him are gonna get out of this badass hood and live a better life. I tell him all the time to do well in school and he'll be great in life. He really likes basketball and I try to support him and go to all his games as much as I can.

I just graduated high school and I soon go to college. Once I go to college and graduate I'm a get a job and we'll be out of here living the good life together. But I can't help but want to visit my father. I know it's strange but I haven't seen him since I was a little girl and I just wanna ask him why. Why he did the things he did? And does he ever think about us and regret the things he did.

I live in a small hood were everybody knows everyone and I don't trust nobody but my best friend. Her name is Dana and she's my day 1 bro and I love her with all my heart. She had my back, knew what I been through, and never switched up that's why I love her. I had another best friend and his name was Travis. He use to be in the streets selling and trapping. They killed him a few days ago and I'm still trying to get over the fact that he's gone. Crazy thing is he had just left from hanging with me and Dana and we told him to go straight home but he didn't and now he's gone.

I'm pretty we'll known around my hood because of my pops. People say I'm his twin I may look like him but I'm nothing like him. I'm also known because of Travis. Everyone knew Travis and how he was a good kid. Everyone knew how close Travis and I were so when he passed everybody was sending me they condolence and telling me how he was a good person. They haven't found his killer yet and I really hope they do cause he ain't deserve to die he was really a good person.

I have a job that pay well enough to support me and my brother. In the morning I would go to school and right after I would go and work at this barber shop. I'm the only female that works there but trust me I'm just like one of the guys. I joke with them and engage in some good ass conversation with them. I even try to help them pick up some females the proper way. The job pays well and tips pretty good and now that school is over I'm a be working there more often.

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