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Me, Dana, and Quan were sitting down in the hospital waiting to here about Aaron. Rah was outside the hospital on the phone cause shit was way to hot over by my mothers house. They need to hurry up and get rid of shit before the cops came. We were in there for about 3 hours and I ain't hear shit from the doctor and I was getting pissed off. Not only that but I was making sure I was gonna kill this nigga Ant no matter what the fuck it takes. Even if I had to risk my own life, that nigga was gonna pay. My thoughts were interrupted by a doctor coming out.

"Family of Aaron Kennedy?" He said.

We all got up. "Yea that's us." I said.

"I have good news and bad news. Good news is we were able to stop the bleeding and patch up the bullet wounded." He said.

Quan came and wrapped his arms around me and Dana smiling. "And the bad news?" I asked.

"Well due to the fact he lost so much blood. He's knocked out in a coma and we aren't sure when he's gonna wake up." He replied.

I sucked my teeth and took a deep breath.

How could I let this happen son.

"Well can we see him?" Dana asked.

"Sure right this way." He replied.

They began to walk in but Dana stopped. "Molly you coming?" She asked.

"Um. Nah I'll just wait here for a little while." I replied.

She nodded her head understanding and walked in with Quan. I sat down for a little while till I saw Rah walking down the hall.

"Where they at?" He asked.

"They went inside to see Aaron. He's in a coma and the don't know when he's gonna wake up." I said.

He walked over to me and pulled me up so I was standing in front of me. "You scared aren't you?" He asked.

I looked down at the ground. "All them wires and the beeping and seeing him like that, I don't know if I'm ready for it Rah." I said.

He sighed. "It's okay. You ain't gonna go through it alone. Cause I'm here with you now let's go in." He said.

He pulled me in and I saw Aaron. He had a bunch of wires sticking on him and he was lying down. I walked over to him and just sighed...ain't nothing much I could really do and it hurts me. As the oldest I'm supposed to watch over him. My father is gonna kill me.

"Molly it's getting late. We gonna head home now." Dana said.

"Ight get home safe." I replied.

We gave each other a hug and they left. Me and Rah was in the room sitting down in silence. It was bothering me but I knew there wasn't anything to really talk about. I started to feel extremely tired and I was starting to fall asleep.

"Molly you want me to take you home?" Rah asked.

"No I'm fine." I lied.

He nodded his head. "Well I'm going to get some coffee from downstairs. Want anything?" He asked.

I shook my head no and he left the room. Now it was just me and Aaron. I looked out the window to see it was a full moon and it was out in full force. I got down on my knees and started praying. I haven't prayed since I was young and stop cause I felt like it didn't work cause bad stuff would still continue to happen to me.

"God I know I haven't talked to you since I was a little girl, but I need you right now. Please make Aaron wake up soon. This isn't his fault this is all mine. I should of gotten shot not him. He's just a kid and-"

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