Chapter 25

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"-in the glass." A voice said.

"But why would he put it in the glass? Why not the cake?" Another voice asked.

"She would have swallowed it!" Finn yelled exasperated.

"Yes, because a ring is chewable." Cedric said sarcastically.

"No but it's small enough to be swallowed. In the glass she could have seen it before she swallowed it!" Finn was getting irritated.

"What if she is thirsty and gulps it down? Both these methods are stupid. Why would anyone even do that?" Cedric retorted.

"Because it's romantic, you idiots. This is why you both are single." I croaked in a voice I felt like didn't even belong to me. I was in Gabriel's room again.

"Santana! You are alive!" Finn rushed to my side and so did Cedric. Cedric. Alive and healthy looking Cedric.

"Im alive." I whispered with a smile. "Cedric, you are alive."

"I am. Thanks to you." He replied brushing my chin with his thumb. He smiled at me.

"I'm alive too." Finn pointed out.

"I'm still mad at you." I glared at him. "Where is Nana?" I suddenly remembered.

"She's safe in her room being tended to by a doctor. Don't worry, you will get a chance to see her." Cedric answered and I breathed a sigh of relief.

Finn was staring at me with an open mouth. "Why are you mad at me?"

"You joined the hunters. Help me sit." I said.

"Should you be sitting up? You just got out of a coma." Finn said.

"Wait, what? I was in a coma?" My eyes widened as I clutched my chest.

"No you were not in coma." Fabio's voice from the doorway spoke up.

"Fabio!" I sat up with a big smile on my face. My body ached a little but I was feeling so rested it wasn't so bad.

"Don't-listen-to-him-you-were-in-a-coma." Finn said so fast in my ear I barely caught his words. "Hie Fabio!" He said brightly.

Fabio just smiled and shook his head.

"Coma." Cedric whispered before he patted my hand and sat down on a couch and Finn joined him.

"You were not in coma." Fabio repeated firmly.

I laughed. "So what happened?" I asked because after Gabriel touched me behind my ear I passed out. "What did Gabriel do to me?"

"He didn't want you in the way. To protect you." Fabio replied.

"By having to carry an unconscious woman in a battle?" I frowned failing to see the logic behind it.

"It's better than having to worry about your safety." Fabio crooked his head to the side and sat on the edge of my bed.

"Hmm." I mumbled deciding whether to be upset with Gabriel or not.

"No, Santana." Fabio rebuked me.

"What?" I asked in confusion.

"You have reputation for being angry with Gabriel. So try to understand him this time." Fabio explained.

"But he did some weird voodoo to me and I passed out." I argued.

"You went to sleep." Fabio corrected.

"Forced sleep!" I huffed.

"You must understand, Gabriel went crazy after he woke up and you weren't in at the helipad with us." Finn said.

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