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03: Bubbles

The TNT group sat comfortably on the lawn enjoying each other's company, the food, and the beer. A rockabilly band was playing and Casey scanned the lawn taking in the children, families, couples, and friends enjoying the warm spring evening. She was fascinated by the idea that this was her new "normal." She felt as if she had literally shed her previous life like a skin. She felt lucky.

Parker examined Casey for a moment. She was different. He wasn't certain what he was expecting but it wasn't this. Within just a few days of her arrival it became apparent that Casey was grounded, not entitled. She was thoughtful and cautious. Parker guessed that she was probably paying emotionally for the sins of her father. He spoke quietly and just for her, "Casey?"


"You said 'Wakefield?'"

"Oh, yes. Mom's maiden name." Casey's voice was uneven and hesitant. "I've been thinking about changing my name." Even as she said it outloud she felt horribly guilty and then angry at both her father and herself. "I haven't decided."

"Casey, you know if you ever want to talk about it ..."

Casey nodded. "I'm not even sure that people know or care. But in the circles I used to move in it was all anyone could talk about. That part of New York, it's like a bubble. An entire world exists with its own rules and norms. You find out really quickly that there is no such thing as a true friend."

Parker cringed at that thought and nodded slowly. "I understand. I'm glad you're in my world now. Whatever you need from me. Whenever you need it. Just ask." Casey smiled softly at Parker as he continued. "And, I think you're right Darlin'. People here would have no idea who Jasper Roe is. But if you're more comfortable leaving that part of your life behind, that's nothing to feel bad about." Parker saw Casey cringe at the mention of her father's name. "I want you to know, your Dad? He was one of my best friends. I know his life got 'away from him.' But when I knew him he helped me get Trails N Tales on the map. I'll always be grateful for that."

Casey leaned over and gave Parker a light kiss on the cheek. "Thanks Uncle Parker, that means a lot. Don't worry about me, I'm doing alright. Everyday is a little better."

Parker grinned, "Yeah, I can see that. So, 'Fruit Girl?'"

"Yeah, that was nice. What a look that woman has."

Parker nodded in agreement. "Redheads right? And blue eyes, beautiful. She was flirting with you right?"

Casey laughed, "I hope so, or I'm really rusty at it. I could use a little more flirting in my life." Casey sighed deeply, "It's been a while, I miss it. Life got complicated and I've been surviving. But I don't think my signals are crossed this time."

"Well I hope you do more than just 'survive' here. I know it's different from what you've been used to. But it really is special here. Small town living at a university is 'bubble-like' too. Parker grinned, "And, Rosling Farms is a staple at the farmers market. Every Saturday and Wednesday over the summer."

Casey sighed with the memory of Amelia. "I'm beginning to see that Parker. I'm surprised at how much I like the pace of life here and strawberries." Casey paused and with as serious a voice as she could muster she asked Parker for some help. "Although, I'm still gonna need help with laundry. I don't get that whole, whites, darks, some things dry, some don't. I just left mine in a pile and when I came home my clothes were clean and hanging in my closet."

"Yeah, that's not how it's going to work in my house."

Casey rolled with laughter, "Well it was worth a try!" Casey laid back resting her head on her pack eating fruit and thinking about strawberry-blonde farmers.

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