24..Our Glow

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Carmella's pov

I ran.. That's all i could do... My bestfriend.. My cousin.. My sister is the person the shadows want me to kill.... I couldn't.. No matter how much i had to i couldn't.... I don't care if my soul will be captured and looked away in limbo... I will never hurt Jewy... She was my savour from those beasts that day in the park.. She was my only friend.... She was my rock.... She was the only one who cared for me when i was sad , depressed or even when i was sick she lied to her parents and snuck into my house to take care of me when my 'parents' would go out drinking.... She was and still is My sister...

"Well little slut... You couldn't after all!!" A voice said.. I imediatly stopped chills running down my spin...Malfador the son of  leader of the shadow.. The one that tricked me into joining them.... The one i was to be married off to was standing there with a wicked smile on his face...i gulped...
"Mal... Malfador i.. I.. Can't she's my...my S..sis..sister" I stuttered hoping he loved me enough to care the slightest bit...

He hissed.."Your SISTER!!!! ...pffttt...You don't have anyone but us ....And i will show you that"
Just then a few more shadows appeared in their true forms.... I screamed as the attacked me.... Tripping me... Scratching me ... Blood was everywhere .... I screamed again ... Then my scar began to glow like it did before with Jewy .... It shined a moon light glow and it made beeping  sounds as if it was calling someone... All the shadows retreated with a scream as if the light burned them...

"So the little bitch as a hybrid goddess twin bond huh?..  Well little whore it won't last" He sneered.. The light began to diminish as i felt drowsy and black spots appeared in my eyesight...
Then i heard it.. Paw hitting the ground getting closer and...........  Her voice......
"I'm coming Carmy.. Just hold on sis... I'm coming".... I opened my eyes and the light glowed more and they backed away hissing

Jewy jumped out of the tree line into the clearing.... She growled at them... Their eyes widen at the sight of her...
"Twins ??!!" They hissed pissed off and shocked ......
The glowing stopped when she came....Others followed growling ...  I smiled weakly.. I was healed but the pain was still there.... Jewy came up beside me and helped me up as she have always done whenever i was hurt...

"Look it's the bitch look alike" Malfador hissed...
"Look it's the rotten asshole" Jewy commented... To say Malfador look mad was an understatement ..... The shadows attacked and they were winning.... The pack only got a few hits in...
"Jewy thats not gonna work..." I told her... She looked at me
" Then lets get you out of here..."
"No Jewy they want me not you-".
"No!! I will not leave you" She grabbed my left hand with her right were our scars touched...( I don't remember which hand i put the scars in so carmella scar-left... Jewels scar- right)........ When our hand touched there was a blinding glow.. All the shadow fell to the ground in human forms....Malfador hissed as burn .marks graced his chest and arm... He ran off .....

When the light dimmed all the bodies went up in flames.. -thats how shadows die- .... Me and Jewy looked at each other grins on our faces...  We hugged but then i felt sleepy and it looked as if Jewy did too... She fell first bringing me with her ..hands still clasped together... Her mate caught her and idk who caught me....
"Their hands won't separate.." Someone said....
"Pull harder" another said
"No use Alpha" the first voice replied...
"Just leave them" We both said.... I heard them sigh as everything went black....


Hello my Fellow kittens!!!.,😺.. Malfador is a fucker😾  Good be got burned😼... Hope you enjoyed
this chapter..Vote and comment..  Meow...


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