Chapter 10: Leonardo

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Now, now Leonardo, that's not very kind. We must treat the future Queen with respect." A voice says by the door.

I spin around, startled, to see Phillip leaning against the door frame, staring at the pictures and book cases.

"It's been a while since I've seen this room." He whispers.

Leonardo glares at him before exiting the room, obviously upset his time in the spotlight is over. On the way out, he purposefully bumps his shoulder into Phillip, making him rock back on his heels with the amount of power that was pit into the shove.

"Sorry, he hasn't been the same" He trails off, a slight blush over his cheekbone highlighting the scars over his face.

"It's okay, you don't have to tell me. Everyone has their secrets and deserves their own privacy. No matter how rude they are." I say under my breath.

Phillip chuckles, "You don't understand. I want you to know so that you don't judge him or hate him as much as you should. He was a great guy happened."

"But what happened!" I promise that if he doesn't answer me I am going to stick his foot up his bottom so high- "He lost his mate." Phillip whispers.

I gasp, my hand going to my mouth to cover the sound.

"How? What happened?" I ask, heart pounding with shock.

"Let me start from the beginning. His mate was beautiful, kind, funny and trustworthy. Her name was Evie, and they were completely in love, but of course, because she was so perfect, lots of others males, and some females, wanted her for their own.

But because they were so in love, of course they wouldn't leave eachother, and Eve swore that she would never leave his side. But an alpha of a Werewolf pack told himself he loved her, and she loved him. He fully stalked her, sent her love messages and flowers dripped with the blood of his enemies, saying that he killed them for her.

Eventually it got to the point where he decided to meet her while she was alone, so they could run away together. He was willing to slaughter his whole pack so she would be happy; stay with him.
But she resisted, like all good mates would, so he kidnapped her until she loved him. Of coutse, we unleashed our soldiers onto his pack, and many lives were lost. Because I'm head doctor, I was there to help people recover. But a Werewolf snuck up on me. That's how I got these scars, ironic since I'm the head healer and I couldn't heal myself. By the time Leonardo got her back, she was mentally scarred and had a stutter due to her nerves. He hated seeing her like that, so he sent her away and payed a faerie to make her forget him. He's hated himself ever since because he couldn't protect her, his own mate." Phillip chokes out, his voice breaking.

"He doesn't know how lucky he is, to have met his mate already, and yet he sends her away! I want a mate, I need a mate who accepts me for who I am and my scars! Who doesn't cringe or flinch whenever they look at me!" He roars.

"A mate is someone who you protect and cherish, who you love no matter what, someone who brings light to the darkest day, someone who never judges you, no matter how much you mess up. I can't wait to find my mate. I need her so much." He whispers out and starts to sob.

I grip him in a tight hug and rock him backwards and forwards slowly. I feel so bad for him! I don't know how it would feel to have never met Xavier, I wouldn't want to keep on living without him.

A chilling growl echoes throughout the room and we both turn our heads to see Xavier hunched over slightly in a threatening stance.

"Mine. " He growls, and I can feel the dominant vibes rolling off of him in waves.

Phillip bares his neck to show submission and lets go of me from where we were hugging.

"Brother, you know I would never touch your mate in a sexual way. She's like my sister." He says and exits the room.

I glare at Xavier, right into his creepy black eyes and shout, "How dare you! He's your brother and he was upset! You need to aplogise to him straight away!"

He grins at me slowly, and reaches out to stroke my cheek.

"My love, you are mine. And he was touching you. He knows that is unacceptable and he deserves what he got." He growls out.

"No! He didn't!" I whisper out as he starts to kiss my neck slowly.

"You are my mate, my love, my Queen. When he finds his mate he will understand that you should never touch another Vampire's mate. You are mine. Another man can never touch you in the way I do, love you the way I do, or kiss you the way I do. Understand?" He hisses while still kissing my neck, and I can feel the tip of his fangs peeking out.

I nod in agreement, my voice not working and my knees shaking from the torrent of kisses.

He takes us up to his room and we sleep soundly, not knowing what awaits us tomorrow.

Awww poor Leonardo! Don't worry! I'll work on a book for him later, and one for Phillip as well! Phillip is my favourite! He's so sweet and cute, and he's a doctor!

So sorry for the long wait of the last few chapters. If you read the chapter before, you should know that I am on holiday! So I don't have a lot of time to update chapters like I usually do(or think I do!). Thanks for reading!!

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