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*not edited


After Croydon and everyone else had become aquatinted we readied ourselves to leave. I climb on Croydon and looked down at my friends who are atop their own smaller dragons. Placing a finger to my lips I tap Croy on his neck, and silently he rockets into the sky way above the High Councils wagons. Flarè, Neemè, Kiln and Freya follow suit and we are all hovering over the wagons.


I hear a voice in my mind link and it sends shivers down my spine, instantly I know it is Spencer.

Im here, what's up?

Do you have your friends?

Sure do. Why?

Bring them to Haro Mountain, there is a huge cave there. Cindy and I will meet you.

Alright I'll see you there.

"-EMMA!" I snap out of my gaze and harshly turn to look at Jolie.

"What?" I ask, looking at everyone's puzzled faces.

"Allow me to inform you, Emma was talking to Spencer, her mate." Croydon laughs, the action vibrating through me, like every move he makes. I scowl at him. Liza looks at me, a slow grin making its way onto her face, before she is full blown smiling like a maniac.

"Emma found her mate! Emma found her mate!" She chants. I turn my scowl to her.

"Shut up," Using my wind element I send a puff of wind to her knocking her slightly. "Okay we are going to Haro Mountain."

We take off, Croy significantly faster then the other 4 dragons. We are a good 5 metres on front of them. By the time we reach Haro Mountain the other dragons are exhausted and Croydon hasn't even broken a sweat.

"Em, how is Croydon meant to fix inside?" Derrik asks me. At this I laugh and mentally tell Croydon to shrink. He does and they all look at me in disbelief. I roll my eyes, jumping off Croydon and landing in a crouch before standing again.

"I'll meet you guys inside. I'm waiting for Spencer." I say, walking over to a pile of rocks i begin to throw them around. Suddenly I hear a galloping of hooves. My hand hovers over my bow, ready for an attack when Spencer and Cindy gallop around the corner on their Kiolates. My hand relaxes and I smile.

I run over to Spencer and jump into his arms. He holds me tight to him, squeezing tightly. I place my forehead against his and look into his eyes.

"I missed you," I whisper.

"Not as much as I missed you Little Dove." I pull back, looking at him funny.

"Little Dove?" I ask, laughing lightly.

"I found it ironic that you have the biggest dragon yet you are so small." He chuckles. He's right, I only reach his neck. Although it is the perfect high for when we hug because he can put his chin on the top of my head.

"Whatever floats your boat," I shrug as he lets me go. I look at Cindy who had a look of awe on her face.

"Cindy." I acknowledge her. "Come on guys. I want you to meet my friends."

We all walk into the cave where Jolie has already lit a fire and they are all seated around it leaning on their dragons for support.

"Guys this is my mate, Spencer, and his little sister Cindy," I introduce them. "Spencer, Cindy, this is Jolie, Lizabeth, Duce and Derrick."

All my friends are smiling but something seems not quite right. I look at Spencer. He's fine. My eyes move to Cindy, who has her eyes locked on Duce. I smirk when I realise Duce hasn't noticed her gaze yet, as if he read my mind he looks at Cindy, you can visibly see his breath get caught in his throat.

And then there is a small, but loud whisper. "Mate,"

As soon as she says this, she launches herself at Duce and he catches her in a hug. Both of them having big smiles on their faces. I grab Spencer's hand as he watches his little sister with a look of fondness in his eyes. He leans down to me and says.

"He better treat her right, or I won't hesitate to rip him to shreds." Although he didn't say it, you could hear the seriousness in his tone. I nod, assuming him.

Suddenly a huge Bang is heard and something comes shooting through the entrance, all you can see is a blur then as quick as it came it's gone. I feel my stomach start to sting and I look down and see blood spreading quickly through my shirt the bright red turning to a dark deep Crimson. Then the pain kicks in, it's like nothing I have ever felt in my life. My legs go weak and I begin to fall to the ground, Spencer catches me and lays me down gently, my head in his lap.

"Little Dove! What the hell! Where did this come from?!" He yells, applying pressure to my stomach. A small whimper of pain escapes my lips as Jolie runs over to help, she rips open my shirt and the full extent of the Unknown injury is revealed. It is like someone has grabbed claws and drug them around my stomach. 3 big deep cuts run horizontally along my stomach, each one pouring large amounts of blood.

It doesnt take long before Jolie wraps some gauze and bandage around my stomach really, really tightly and I am sent to lay down.

Liza comes in with a cup of something Before she says.

"Push past the taste, it will help with the pain," I nod and sip at the tea. As the liquid goes down my throat I can't help but gag at the complete bitter taste of it, it's disgusting. But I push through and finish the cup, instantly feeling a whole lot better. The last thing I see before I'm pulled into the land of the sleepy in Spencer walking in and sitting on the floor next to me.



My DragonTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon