Epilogue: All- American Girl

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It's always amazed me as to how easily one small truth can alter reality. Sometimes it works out for the best. Like when my long time best friend finally realized I was head over boots in love with her - the same best friend I was now happily married to. And when she announced that we were going to be parents -- talk about life throwing you a curveball.

And sometimes, it doesn't work for the best. For example, my wife and her sisters finding out that the man that they though was their father, turned out to be just a slimy bastard who beat and eventually murdered their mother. Or when Tennessee announced that her husband, the slimiest bastard in the whole state of Texas and likely this side of the world, was laying hands on her. Though, it working for the best is a matter of opinion. I got to beat the hell out of that son of a bitch, but I also got tossed in a jail cell the same night I found out I was going to be a father.

I wasn't going to complain about that fact though, because Tennessee has proof and had balls the size of Alaska -- she pressed charges. Now, I still didn't like Tennessee much, she was snotty and had a superiority complex, but she was family plain and simple. Plus, she posted my bail that night. The rest of Tennessee's story was her own and I wasn't going to spoil it -- let's just say, I never thought in a million years it would turn out the way it did

Yeah, life definitely had a way of throwing you curveballs, I thought, watching as my two year old son Austin picked flowers for his mother and newborn baby sister, Dallas.

And thank God for that.

Short and sweet, guys. I'm sorry, but there's more coming from Red Mire, I promise!

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