Friday (6)

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Friday came around surprisingly fast. Lara, having made sure to get Max's number on her last visit, had texted him all day yesterday with reminders about cherry picking. Max hadn't forgotten. In fact, other than the wolf, it had been one of the main topics on his mind.

He hadn't seen the wolf since he'd stalked it, giving him nothing to keep his body - and mind - entertained. This led to thinking about River - whom he hadn't had any kind of contact with since the oh-so-awkward handshake in the car. Sometimes, Max wished he was born a rabbit shifter, just so he could use that as an excuse to dig a hole and never come back out of it.

The plan for today was for Lara and River to meet him here so they could take him to the cherry farm. And just five minutes after Max had finished dressing, the sound of River's car trucking up on the drive way let him know which of the two had arrived first. Lara probably did that on purpose, Max thought with a grimace as he cleared a pathway between the blankets so that he could open the front door more easily. Besides, he didn't want River to think he was a complete slob.

Max opened the door, only to see River with a hand raised and about to knock. In his other hand were his shoes. Forgot the blankets on the porch, Max realised belatedly. Oh well, it was too late now and River had been thoughtful enough to take his shoes off before stepping on them.

"Hi," Max's soft voice was almost inaudible as he stepped back to let the other man in.

River nodded. "Hello, Waters." Tentatively walking inside, Max could see River looking over his house and frowning a little bit. "May I ask?"

Max refused to blush. Absolutely refused. "I... I like to be comfortable." He murmured, feeling his cheeks heat. "You can leave your shoes by the door." And then he turned to make himself a cup of tea. "Tea?"

"Coffee is fine." River answered, still looking around as if he hadn't been inside the house before.

"I only have instant." Max warned.

"That's okay."

Not as picky as Lara about coffee then. Max tucked the mental note away for a time when he might actually need it - although he doubted he ever would, seeing as River was already running his fingers through his hair in that nervous tick. It made Max braver than he had any right feeling, though.

"Do I make you nervous?" Max asked, appearing in the living room with two mugs. One, he set down in front of River on the coffee table. He held the other between both hands and sat down on the blankets.

River glanced over at him. "Why do you say that?"

Max avoided those eyes and shrugged, not really willing to give up what he knew. It was obvious Max had always played it close to the vest, but he wasn't really sure why he didn't want to tell River about the nervous tick. He'd think on it later, maybe.

Those bottomless eyes were still held on Max; he could feel them trying to get under his skin. While Max was aware of River's nervous tick, Max didn't want the other man to see how Max fidgeted when he was uncomfortable. In an effort to lessen the fidgeting, he tapped his fingers against the mug.

"You..." River pursed his lips unhappily. "I... I get nervous... around you." He finally managed.

Max frowned. "Ok... why?"

River snorted and then turned his head, resting his chin in his palm... and then ran a hand through his hair, to Max's amusement. That was wrong. He shouldn't have been amused by that. Maybe... more sympathetic? Probably not though. Max wasn't really the sympathetic type.

River didn't seem like he was going to answer. Max wasn't surprised. He wouldn't have answered the question either if it was directed at him. Still, it lingered like smoke permeating air and fabric. He could see it swirling around River's head.

"Sorry," Max murmured, still not bothering to hide a smirk.

River's expression confusing, but Max didn't get the chance to decipher it. There was a knock on the door that was undoubtedly Lara - 'undoubtedly' because she decided to yell that she was here in addition to the knocking. An amused snort escaped River. Max glanced over at the man, who wore the slightest smile, as he got up off the floor to let Lara in.

Lara completely bypassed Max, and he did his best not to be irritated by the small woman.

Max swivelled around, hearing the tiniest snort from River. Neither said anything about it, but Max was hard pressed not to stick out his tongue. Because that would be mature. He returned to his seat on the pile of cushions.

Lara clapped her hands and her excited expression had Max waiting for her to say something he really didn't want to hear, but then her face dropped and he relaxed.

"Why are you two sat down? Let's go pick cherries!"

River chuckled, his laugh something warm and welcoming. Max didn't stare, though he really wanted to, and kept his gaze on his mug of tea.

"We can go after we finish our drinks." River comprised with a smile that very nearly but didn't quite meet his eyes.

Storing the image away for another time, Max ignored Lara's glare. She huffed and flopped down on the sofa.

"Would you like anything?" Max asked, ever the good host. "The coffee is still instant."

The girl scrunched her nose in distaste. "Yeah no thanks. I might just have to buy coffee for you to grind."

Max snorted. "If you want the coffee you can grind the beans yourself." His good hosting skills only went so far.

"Don't worry Lara," River breathed a laugh. "I'll do it for you."

"Doesn't change the fact that I don't have a coffee press." Max murmured, not really caring if either of his guests heard him.

River did and smiled down at his mug in what could only be amusement. Max's heart almost stopped on seeing the honest expression. Did... he cause that? Max couldn't have. He didn't say anything that funny. And River had said it himself: Max made him nervous.

So putting the question out of his mind, Max simply enjoyed the real smile he'd seen River wear, and sipped his still-hot tea.

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