It is not called stalking, it is called an interragatory misson!

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Mr Ambrose's POV

Did I just hear that correctly? Were my ears deceiving me? Surely not as I could hear excellently until that part. I mean, sure, I hadn't been to a doctor in 20 years because they are a useless waste of time and money and so is being ill therefore I don't do it but my ears, they worked just fine. Right? Then why did I just hear Lilly tell me she needed Friday afternoon off to see...a man? What did she mean?

I started to conduct all sorts of theories in my head of who this 'mystery man' was and why Lilly, of all people, Lilly, a confident feminist, would see a man. Surely she couldn't mean as a date. No no. That would be preposterous, outrageous even. It would go against all her beliefs of what women were and how they should be treated, it would go against all that she strived for - getting this job, earning money and a living. It would go

Lilly couldn't go off with another man. She just couldn't. She wouldn't do that to herself. Or would she I thought. I always shut myself up and build myself walls so that no one can enter them and no one can hurt me. I close myself in and treat Lilly as if she was any other one of my workers. I always work her extra hard and demand I know what she's doing and where she's going. Maybe she's had enough of  me. Maybe I'm just not good enough for her. Maybe she's finally moved on because she sees no point in working on something which is hopeless...

No I thought. No. This couldn't be the end of us and I won't let it. All these years I thought being by myself  was necessary and was the right thing to do. To keep myself secluded with only my work as a friend and to continue as if nothing else mattered. All these years I thought all I needed was my power and money, things which I've thought were most important. I thought without them I'd be nothing. But I was wrong. Since I met Lilly I've realised what a fool I've been. I've realised there is more to life than work and papers. I've realised life isn't worth living unless there's something in it which brings joy to your day and light to your darkness. And mines been dark for a very long time. But I know that there is only one thing I need, in all of this world, to make myself happy. And this one thing is a strong, confident feminist named Lilly Linton.

Okay Ambrose quick pep talk. Why would Lilly be meeting a man? Through an organised and efficient way I methodically sourced that there are exactly 3 possibilities:

Number 1: She is on a date

This of course would never happen because, well, this is Lilly Linton. Need I say more.

Number 2: She's meeting a relative

This possibility is eliminated because the only relative Lilly has outside of London is her grandmother who, as I recall, is half blind, can't hear and thinks Lilly is a bunny called Herbert therefore that only leaves her aunt, uncle or sisters. However, I've heard from Lilly her uncle is a money hoarding mole who never leaves his house and her aunt wants nothing more than for her to be married off to some man. That leaves her sisters. I don't know much about her sisters but from the way she never speaks about them I don't think they quite have the happy relationship.

Number 3: She's lying to me

That has to be the only logical reason I can think of and I am a very logical man.

**************** 1 day later - Friday evening ***************

As I said above I am a very logical man therefore my ideas and thought processes are also logical. What I am about to do has been thought through over and over again and will be executed soon. What I am about to do you ask? No, I am not stalking but simply going on an interrogatory mission to find out who exactly Lilly is meeting and why. Simple.

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