Episode 2: The Studio Has Been What...?

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(Drum role plays as we see Skylar and Joseph standing back to back. Joseph has on armor and Skylar has on a hard hat.)

Skylar: Are you ready?

Joseph: I’m always ready.

Skylar: Are you sure those Cahill kids are trying to kill us?

Joseph: Um… Not really…

(Camera pulls out to reveal a stage covered in tarps and military supplies. And a bunch of broken holes in the walls. They walk over to one of the bigger holes in the wall and stare through it.)

Skylar: I still can’t believe of all people, it had to be Dan to break the wall… That was our kitchen not too long ago!

Joseph: (realizing that the camera was on air): Uh, Skylar? We’re kind of… on the…

Skylar: And trust me… I will get a hold… (Joseph grabs her and points to camera) Oh. I did not realize that. Crap. Why am I wearing this? (Takes hard hat off and pretends she wasn’t wearing it at all.) Welcome to our second episode of the Cahill Chat! I am your host, Skylar McHatten, and as you remember, we were interviewing Dan and Amy Cahill last time, so today, we are interviewing… The Kabras! (Crowd cheers as Natalie and Ian walk across stage and take a seat on the tarp covered couch.)

Ian: (Looking around at mess) (Talking in a British accent) What happened here?

Skylar: Oh, I forgot you guys speak British… Euan! Come here please! (Euan, Skylar’s British ‘translator’ walks on and takes a seat next to Skylar.) (Whispering into his ear.) What did they just say?

Euan: He asked about why the studio looks like an EF 5 tornado torn down the place.

Skylar: Oh… It was caused by World War Three.

Natalie: You mean Dan and Evan?

Skylar: Correct. Wait… British isn’t a foreign language… You lied to me! (Throws Euan off couch and onto floor) (Starts speaking in heavy French) Va-t’en! Va-t’en!

Ian: You would make a good operative.

Skylar: Merci. I-I mean thank you.

Natalie: What did they do this time?

Skylar: (Breathes out) They were fighting over a DS, and Justin Bieber.

Ian: (Shakes head) I’m not surprised. Don’t even get them started on One Direction…

Skylar: (Curiously) What happens if I mention One Direction?

Natalie: Let’s just say that it will cause World War 4.

Skylar: (Nods head) Yeah, we really can’t afford having another war in here. Anyway, how is life without any parents?

Ian: Interesting. We are now orphans, and I work at the Cahill Command Center in Boston.

Skylar: I thought life without parents meant partying like there’s no tomorrow.

Natalie: Try doing that and keeping many family secrets and having a daily income and supporting yourself.

Skylar: Geez, you don’t have to attack me… (Whispers off to side) Looks like many people in this family don’t like me…

(Joseph enters the room, screaming his head off).


Joseph: (Shakes head nervously) It’s not that… I think I’ve found World War 4…

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2013 ⏰

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