Chapter 1:New Member

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Lucy was walking in town one nice sunny day. She was walking looking for new gateway celestial keys.then all of a sudden a light pink haired dude with a blue cat came up to her and said "hi I'm Natsu and this is happy!"then he asked her if she is celestial wizard looking at her keys then he said "come with me "

Lucy pov

Why am i following a random stranger I just met. Then all of a sudden we stopped I stumbled a bit cause of the sudden stop then when I looked up I saw Natsu grinning and then he said as he opened the two big doors "welcome to fairytail". My mouth dropped at the sight of my dream guild I saw the famous mirajane Erza scarlet and all the other members. I ran into the guild and asked mirajane if I could join she said "wait I need to confirm this with makrov." I waited for mirajane to come out of makrovs office. This will take a loooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggggggg time.finally mirajane emerged from makrovs office and said "master aporoved what color do you want for your guild mark." "I will take pink "I said all giddy and excited.she them stamped it on my left hand (don't know which hand it's actually on ). I ran over to nastu to tell him the news but he was in a fight with some guy in boxers.i blushed and covered my face and said loudly "Natsu look at my guild mark". Natsu didn't hear me then started physically fighting the raven haired dude . Natsu is a fire dragon slayer and the other dude is an ice Mage no wonder they don't get along .the anger rises in me I was about to curse this stupid guy out but something in me was telling me to take it down three notches.but I couldn't hold it any longer.i walked into the middle of their fight and said"stop"quietly the just stood there telling me to move.then I walked over to Natsu punched him sending him flying.oops.then I screamed at him "listen to me when I'm talking u deaf old man both of y'all got droopy eyes and y'all both fucking annoying and u guy over there shut up u damn stripper put on some damn clothes and get a job and the whole guild stop sitting on your asses and do a fucking mission or else!"shit they found out the real me.the whole guild got quiet and said "yes lady Lucy "then Erza walked over to me and smiled "I have found u my long lost sister now I can depend on someone to help me with the guild while I'm gone "she then started hugging me tight and I got a face full of armor it kinda hurt who am I kidding it hurt like hell.i then went to Natsu and said sorry and helped him up then happy said "Lucy I know Natsu was or is annoying but did you have to punch him why didn't you punch gray too".oh yeah I forgot about him.

Natsu pov

I think I messed up bad another Erza wouldn't mind it at least she doesn't use her full power.i can smell it she is really powerful I wonder what she can do.

Hey guys sorry for the really short chapter but it's 3 I'm the morning and I have to go to school at six in the morning so I will update another chapter later and comment if u like it so far or if u want me to spice it up cause I will I'm not writing this for me but for y'all so let me know

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