Chapter 6

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The limo finally pulled up in front of my apartment and as I was getting out I felt a hand pull me back. With a gasp, I crashed into Mr. Stone's lap cradling him. I sheepishly looked up at him to see that he was already intensely gazing at me. I made a move to get back up but was jerked back as a set of lips smashed against mine. Shocked, I didn't respond to the kiss until Ivan hesitantly began to pull away. Not wanting the kiss to be over yet, I yanked him back against me, wrapping my arms around his neck.

He deepened the kiss sending my heart reeling as he tugged my bottom lip between his teeth. Moaning, I run my fingers through his gorgeous hair, tugging the ends. He grunts in approval and grips my waist tighter, bring us impossibly closer. I finally pulled away from the intense kiss, both of us breathing heavily. He continued to stare at me with hunger and I took that as my cue to get out.

"Umm, s-see you tomorrow?" I stutter leaping out of the car, hearing his thundering laughter behind me as I run up to my apartment. Slamming the door behind me, I lean against it replaying the earlier events in my head over and over again. My heart was still racing and I could still feel heat from where his lips had previously been.

Snapping out of my daze, I walk to my room to take a nice relaxing much needed bath. Going into the bathroom, I began to fill up the bath, lighting some vanilla scented candles for the hell of it. Adding a bath bomb, I walk back into my bedroom, to grab a robe and strip from my clothing.

Getting into the bath, I sink in lower enjoying the hot water relaxing my tense muscles. Closing my eyes, I sigh as I think about the one man I can't seem to get out of my head ever since I got this job. The little make out session we had in the limo was very unexpected but I didn't regret it at all and I hated to admit that. Something about his dominating personality and intense golden orbs lured me to him and I wanted more.

"Amelia, you need to get this little crush in check" I whisper to myself shaking my head. What happened in the limo could never be repeated for the sake of my sanity. It doesn't help that he's very famous in the business industry and I don't plan on being known as the employee who's sleeping her way to a the top. Call me crazy but I'd like to stay out of the public eye as much as possible.

After sitting in the bath till my skin resembled a prune, I finally get out promising to keep our "relationship" business only.  Feeling kind of lonely, I decide to call over my best friend who I haven't spoken to since I got this job. Picking up my phone and dialing her number, she picks up on the second ring.

"Amelia Grace Winters you better have a damn good explanation as to why you've completely fallen under my radar" she yells through the phone almost blowing out my ear drum.

"I know I haven't kept in contact but if you come over I promise to make it up to you" I reply guiltily hoping she wasn't mad.

"I'll be there in 10 and I expect details as to what's kept you so occupied lately" she says before hanging up. Running down the stairs, I prepare the living room for a full blown movie night grabbing pillows and blankets from the closet. Walking into the kitchen, I make some popcorn with chocolate drizzled on top knowing Sierra loved it.

Exactly 10 minutes later I hear a persistent knock on my door assuring me my best friend had arrived. Opening the door, I'm quickly tackled into a hug sending both of us to the ground with a thud.

"God damnit Sierra, get your ass off me" I groan shoving her off me.

"You know you love my ass" she says shaking her ass in the air. Shaking my head with a laugh, I get up and shut the door before walking into the living room. Sierra hops onto the couch and gets comfy before staring at me with a bored expression.

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