You're Lips are Still There

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Chapter 4

You're Lips are Still There

{Dylan's POV}

After the sleepover (party) Zack didn't talk to me. No little sneaks trying to look at my body in the locker room. No annoying back talk to me during first period. No flicking me on the back of my head during fifth period. Nothing. It was annoying and I didn't know why. Because normally I would be rejoicing in not having to deal with his sass. But no. We just had to be invited to Kim's sleepover (party) and we just had to kiss. He just had to be my first kiss.

I keep kicking myself in the face for letting him kiss me. I mean, what the hell was I thinking? Oh right, I wasn't thinking. The only thing registering in my brain was, why God!? Why Zack? I can still feel the tingles from his lips. And I swear if that kiss could get any better I would die. All I wanted was to kiss him over and over again, and again. His lips felt so perfect on mine.

But why? Why did he have such perfect lips? And that small frame of his in my lap drove me crazy. If I closed my eyes and imagined hard enough I could feel him sitting in between my legs. And it didn't help that his stupid face was still in my head. The way his eyes looked dark and glazed over. His hands gripping at my hair. It took a lot of will power for me to not just grab him and push him off of me. But after I pushed him off of me ... I wanted to pin him down and just...

I groaned and hit my head on the desk in front of me. At least it's the last period. Zack came in looking down. I wish he would look up and show me his beautiful vibrant blue eyes that I hated so much. He sat in front of me and I inhaled the vanilla scent that was so familiar and still in my freaking clothes from last night. He played with his hair as he popped gum into his mouth. I bit my lip and started tapping my pen on the desk.

"Would you stop that please." He whispered, still not looking at me. Look at me damn it! I stopped tapping and started to kick his chair. He soon got annoyed; he does have a short temper. He stood up and turned around, about to say something but when he saw me he stopped. I held my breath as I realized that all the hate that should have been there was now replaced with sexual tension. So instead of his usual snide comment he closed his mouth and sat back down. I didn't bother him anymore. I was too confused.

When the final bell rang I slowly packed my stuff up. I liked to be the last one out. So when I leave there's less traffic in the halls. I looked up to see Zack still here.

"Can I help you?" I asked. And it occurred to me that he was standing really close. And that we were the only ones in the classroom. And it alarmed me that he was still here. That he was acknowledging me now. He slightly blushed, which shouldn't have been that attractive, before pulling me up and dragging me out the building.

"I'll give you a ride home or whatever." He mumbled. I raised a brow.

"Really?" He nodded his head. And I let myself get dragged off. We arrived at his black convertible. And I felt his endless supply of money from ten feet away. "Nice ride."

"Thanks. Just get in before I change my mind." He snapped. I held my hands up in defense.

"So how many cars do you have?"

"Five why?" I couldn't even say anything back. I've never been in such an expensive car. I was afraid to breathe wrong. Then I started to worry. He can't take me back to my house. Shit. What do I do? If I ask if he can drop me at a friends' he could have questions as to why I had to go there. And if I ask to go to his house that would be pushing it. Or would it? Zack isn't one to shy off one night stands. I shook my head. I can't do that. No, more like, I would never do that.

I could have him drop me off in the apartments next to my house. But knowing him he'll want to make sure I get in safely. Why do I know that? I'm not even his friend! Wait am I? Oh great, now I'm all confused. I groaned loudly.

Zack glanced at me. "You ok?"

"Ya I'm fine... can I ... um, can I go over to your house?" Zack slammed on the breaks and swerved into a McDonalds' parking lot. He stared at me for a while.

"WHAT?" He looked alarmed.

"My parents are out of town and I really don't want to go home right now." That was a huge lie. The fact is my parents - parent - are home, which is why I don't wanna go home. My "parents" are extremely ... Well, I don't even know how to say it. But my foster mother is never home so that leaves me with my foster father and he doesn't really like me. Like, he really doesn't like me. And I honestly didn't want to see him right now. Or have him see me.

"Ok... Um, I would have to phone my maid to clean the guess room. How long are your parents going to be away?" He asked uneasy about his answer.

"You don't have to do that, I could just stay over at a friends house..." I trailed off, realizing that I really need to work on my social skills.

"NO! I-I mean..." He said blushing. He was doing that a lot. It's distracting. "It's not a problem, really."

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Ya..." Zack said starting the car again. "So how long are your parents going to be away?"

"Forever..." I mumbled


"A week..." It looked like he pouted at this. I laughed in my head.

"Should we go get you some clothes?" He asked. I shook my head.

"I'll get it tomorrow." I said.

I watched the scenery passing me and avoided eye contact with Zack. I was already regretting this and it hasn't even been five minutes since I got in the car with Zack. All I knew was that my life was definitely going to be more interesting now. Or at least for this week. And it was also a huge mess and this could potentially blow up in my face and cause me all sorts of trouble. But I didn't like to focus on that one.

We pulled up to Zack's "house". It's more like a mansion to me. Obviously, it is a mansion. The black gates opened up to reveal a massive driveway. Which we speed up so fast I started to wonder if Zack was into race cars. The mansion shining and glittering around me was the exact opposite of Zack and more ... clean.

We stopped short at a butler who took the car. Zack and I walked silently up the path. A man-made lake with little springs of water laid in between the path and the mansion. We were greeted by an older looking woman in a maid uniform. She could easily be like a mother to Zack.

"I made the guess room as ordered."

"Thank you, Marie." He said, but he sounded upset about it. Why? He walked me to my room. "Here's where you'll be staying... um, I'm just two doors down if you need me." He said as he walked out the door closing it behind him. I sighed and looked around the pale green room. The bed in the middle surrounded by a fuzzy white rug. The pastel colors on the bed seems to make the room feel peaceful.

I dropped down on the bed and stared aimlessly at the ceiling, before drifting off to the sound of a soft guitar somewhere in the house. Dreaming of the feel of Zack's lips on mine again.

A/N So I have really good scenes planed while Dylan stays over. Hehe... >:D

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