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I'm going to be late, I'm going to be late and shit...I'M GOING TO BE LATE!!! I cursed and ran to the mansion which could be seen after some seconds.

I opened the door and ran to the room, where Yoongi should have been working, but he wasn't there. Not that I care ,I just had to change in my suit and I didn't need him to complain about me being late.

I changed, packed my normal clothes in a bag and was about to run to Princess her room, when I bumped into a half-asleep Jimin.

"Woah Dude. Why are you in such a hurry?" Jimin rubbed his eyes in order to see me better.

"The question is...why aren't you in a hurry?" I asked and pushed him  in the changing room to obviously change.

"Chill. I have still twenty minutes until Mr. Jung wakes up and he said, that he won't be too strict with me if I come in late unlike Princess" he yawned and took his suit out.

"Why couldn't I get Mr. Jung...Jimin? Wanna switch?" I smiled at him,but he just shook his head wildly.

"Never. Mr. Jung is mine. You can never have him!" he answered immediatly.

"Alright then...you can keep him. I won't interfere in your relationship anymore~" I smirked and left Jimin behind.

"SHUT UP!!! I-I didn't meant it like that..." Jimin shouted back and went back changing.  Sure you didn't  I laughed to myself, took a glimpse on my watch and widened my eyes.

It's already 9:10!!! I'm doomed... .

I fastly walked up to the door and knocked on it.

"Come in" a sleepy voice could be heard from inside and I slowly opened the door.

I closed the door behind me and bowed now as hard as Jimin did one our first day and apologized for being late.

She looked at me with a sleepy look on her face and just nodded.

"It's alright. I forgive you this once, but just because you showed up even when you were late. The most people I had just stayed at home and quit the next day."

"Thank you M-...I mean Princess. It won't happen again I swear" I thanked.

She once again turned, which a red face, away from me and whispered some words, from which I only could understand "Seokjin" and "control yourself".

...Who is Seokjin? I asked myself and guesed by maybe her boyfriend, but then....why did she blushed?

"First please bring me my Outfit number 16. from the room, where Mr. Min works. I want to wear them today" she mumbled, trying not to look at me. 

I answered with a simple yes and left the room for the Outfit.

Yoongi was back again and was writing something in a folder. I knocked on the door, which drawed his attention at me, but he just rolled his eyes by my sight and went back writing.

"Don't mind me Yoongi. I'm just here to bring the Princess her Outfit. Don't feel bothered" I sayed and went to one of the rows full with clothes.

"Wait...just leave it. I'm going to hand it to you before you put them in another position I won't find anymore" he stood up and walked over.

"Which number?"


He nodded and went to another row to find the Outfit. He quickly grabbed it and tossed it over.

"Thanks. See you later" I waved and left him.

"Hold up...did you sayed her  Outfit?" he looked at me with an dumbfounded expression I just could laugh 'bout.

"...Yes? The Princess her Outfit like...who else is living in this house beside Mr. Jung, who is according to my brain a guy" I laughed and left him.

Why was he suprised?  What's going on here...I am going to ask Princess about it.

  I handed her the clothes and went straight for the question.

"Princess? Could I ask you something?"

"Sure,but wait until I change" she nodded and was about to take of her pajama , when she remembered that I was still in her room.

"Could you like...go out for a minute? I don't want to change before I guy" she weakly smiled.

I blushed a bit, but understood her and went out of the room. Like seriously...which girl wants to change before a guy? Why couldn't I react faster.

I waited outside for ten minutes when she said I could bring her some tea for breakfast.

Sure, but...where is the kitchen?!! I walked up and down in the mansion,but could' find the kitchen.

"Oh hey Namjoon" Jackson suddenly appeared from nowhere.

"Jackson...you are literally my hero. Please tell me where the kitchen is so I can bring Princess some tea" I sighed and looked at him with my hopes up  he would know where we are and where the kitchen is.

"Sure. Just follow me" he shrugged at leaded me to the kitchen with wasn't afterall hard to find...just one storey among us.

I got the tea, thanked to the maid who preapared it and went back  to the Princess her room.

"I see you got Princess...well congratulation" Jackson joked while going back with me.

"Why are you badmouthing her? She isn't as bad as I thought. She even let me stay after being late for like ten minutes" I sayed and looked at Jackson who stopped walking.

"She? Who are you talking about?" he asked with the same expression Yoongi had before.

"About Princess...why are you suprised?" I asked him now curiously.

"You know that Prin-"

"Ahh Mr. Wang! Long time we hadn't see each other...how is work going?" Princess stood before us and looked at Jackson with a smile.

"It's alright...thank you for asking Princess" Jackson replied and lightly bowed.

 "May I talk to you for a second?" she asked and led Jackson away.

I still could see them on the other side of the hall, but I couldn't catch a word about what they were talking...why did she tells something to Jackson and not me, her butler? Not that I'm jeleous or something... .

Jackson looked suprised by what Princess told her,but nodded anyway.

"And if you could tell the others too...that would be really nice from you Mr. Wang" Princess sayed while walking back to me with Jackson who nooded again and left.

"Thanks for the tea it took you a while althought" she took the cup and gulped slowly from it. "Yes, I couldn't find the kitchen at first, but Mr. Wang was kind enough to show me" I answered.

"I see. You wanted to ask me something?" she looked at me.

"Yes, it's just that...Mr. Min was really suprised when I told him, that I wanted to bring you your Outfit and Mr. Wang also when I told him, that you were kind and let me work here althought I was late. May I ask you if you know why they reacted that way?" I asked and looked at her.

It was like she didn't understood my question at first,but then he mouthed a little "ohhh" and looked back at me.

"Don't be bothered by them Mr. Kim. Mr. Min was probably still sleepy and Mr. Wang is....well Mr. Wang. That's all I can say" she smiled and took another sip of her tea.

"I won't. Thank you"  


Well this chapter was kinda borring and longer like usual sorry! ^^'

See you in the next chapter


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