I choose you

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I took a tentative step into Colton’s house, not knowing what to expect. To my left looked like the family room, or what should have been a family room. While there was a TV turned onto Disney channel, what looked like a coach was covered in an endless pile of laundry, and so many pink articles of clothing were thrown around the room that I didn’t even notice a small girl with frizzy brown hair stood just a few feet away from me until she sneezed. My eyes darted in her direction just as another girl, who looked considerably younger, with light blonde hair and ginormous blue eyes entered through the opposite archway.

She maneuvered through the messy room wearing a sparkly pink dress that looked about three sizes too big, and matching pink shoes that also were much too big for her. After making her way across the room she stopped to put a hand on her hip and spun around in a circle. The older one with brown hair analyzed her carefully before scribbling something down on a clip board in front of her.

“Bella why do you have on moms old shoes? You know she doesn’t like when you take her stuff without asking,” Colton finally said.

The girl with the blonde hair looked at Colton sweetly, her two big blue eyes almost sparkling. “She put them in the dress up last week! Know I look like a pretty princess!”

“You look more like a cross dresser that Kesha threw up all over. Way too many sparkles!”

Colton glared at the other girl. “Don’t say that around her,” he told her sternly.

“Colton what’s a cross dresser?”

I looked at Bella and thought back to when Colton told me about his sisters. She was six, and Charlotte was twelve. I could see the resemblance between Colton and Bella, but Charlotte looked nothing like them.

“It’s nothing forget you heard that,” he said before shooting another glare at Charlotte. "How do you even know what that means? You’re only—“

“I’m almost thirteen. And Megan told me what it meant. Her brother went to Vegas for a week and when he got back that’s all he was talking about.”

Charlotte looked absolutely proud of the gossip. She smirked up at Colton and then her eyes landed on me and immediately widened.

“Colton is that your girlfriend!”

The shriek of joy came from Bella, and she was hooping up and down pointing at me like I was some miracle. Colton sighed and shook his head. “Guys no, come on let’s get this house cleaned before mom gets home.”

Without another word of explanation, he bent down and grabbed handful of pink and tossed it into a huge treasure box that sat beneath the front window. Charlotte eyed me carefully and took a step closer.

“Who are you?”

For some reason this little twelve year old kind of intimidated me. “I’m Sutton,” I said a little too enthusiastically.

She raised her eyebrow before slowly bending over and grabbing a handful of clothes. “Well what are you looking at grab some stuff!”

I was surprised by her tone and quickly gathered a handful of pink sparkly clothes. Colton looked at me from the other side of the room and gave me a “I’m sorry” look. Shrugging my shoulders like it was no big deal, I made my way over to the treasure chest and dumped a handful of stuff in.

After about three more minutes of gathering pink, the floor was spotless. “Who’s she?” I heard Bella whisper hiss at her older brother.

Colton sighed. “A friend. Why don’t you go get changed and I’ll make you some dinner okay?”

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