Chapter One

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A McKenna Family Christmas

Chapter One

His aim was steady; posture relaxed, but secure, eyes on his prey. The forest was quiet, only the soft breathing of those with him could be heard. Even they knew the rules for hunting, motionless and no talking when someone was to take aim.

The hiss of arrow felled the hare as it tried to scurry across the small clearing. His aim was true, the hare died instantly. He couldn't see the faces of both his sons, but he could almost feel the grins upon their faces. The younger one, he knew that he would be shifting from side to side wanting to rush over to inspect their prey to make sure it was dead.

Walking over to his catch, Robert leaned over and grabbed onto the arrow. He looked over his shoulder and nodded to Connor, who was waiting patiently by his Grandda's side. Approval from his father sent him rushing over and leaning over to poke the hare.

"Twas a fine shot, Da," Connor grinned as he leaned into his father's shoulder and nudged him gently.

"Aye, ye watched as I stood there. Nary making a sound, or even moving. Tis when ye catch them off guard," Robert explained to his youngest. Grabbing the arrow and swiftly removing it, he placed the hare into the bag with the others they already caught.

They road quietly back to the castle, the rabbits will make a fine stew for supper. Next time, Robert thought to himself, he'll allow Angus and Connor to try with the bow and arrows. He and Donald had been working with the lads for several weeks now, but still didn't think that they were quite ready yet.

"I canna believe ye are not cold, Robert," Donald grunted as he pulled his cloak tighter to fend off the bitter wind. There was a light dusting of snow in the Lowlands, but nothing like Robert remembered when he lived at home.

Home, he thought again as he got this aching feeling in his chest. His heart constricted, his breathing became laboured, an awful feeling that he couldn't shake. He sighed and puffed out a deep breath that turned into tiny ice crystals. He turned in his saddle and looked longingly towards the north.

For two weeks now he's had a nagging feeling as though something was amiss at home. No word from his brothers to suggest otherwise, so he continued to think positively, that all was well.

Robert had no regrets. He married his one and only love, Elise who gifted him with his three sons, Angus, Connor, Evan and his treasure, Elspeth. His sons resembled the McKenna's, medium brown hair, much like Robert and Ian's, light brown eyes. Elspeth was a Campbell with fiery red curls and blue eyes like her mother. His daughter will be a beauty and Robert knows that one day the castle will be swarming with suitors wanting to claim her hand.

"Tis no cold, Donald," Robert grunted at his father-in-law's proclamation. "Until ye winter in the Highlands, this is nothing."

Robert was riding without a cloak, only his shirt and his Campbell plaid. He made sure that both his sons had cloaks on or Elise wouldn't allow them to leave the castle without them. Robert had agreed with her, for his sons were seasoned Lowlanders and didn't have the harsh winters as he experienced in his youth.

"When will the McGregor's visit, Da?" Angus looked over at his father pleadingly.

"I'm not sure perhaps we can send a messenger over and extend a visit for Graeme and Patrick. Would you like that?" Robert replied knowing that his sons would enjoy that immensely. There weren't many children who lived in the castle with them, so most of the time his four relied on themselves to play with.

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