Chapter Two

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Chapter Two



            “Ye stubborn old fool,” Emma shouted at her father-in-law.   “Ye will remain abed until I tell ye so.”    Emma looked over at her step-mother, who nodded back to her, agreeing with Emma’s orders.

“A bossy lass ye are,” Angus smirked at his daughter-in-law who was barking out orders to him.  He pulled his pillows up behind his back so that he could sit up straighter in bed.   He was tired of being in bed, it’s been more than a week that he fell ill, but the past two days, his heath improved.  His appetite slowly returned he was even able to walk once around his chamber before tiring and having to go back to resting.  Slowly, he was feeling better and regaining the strength that he lost.  He wasn’t daft he knew enough that he still needed a few more days rest.  He enjoyed riling up his daughter-in-law it made resting that much more pleasurable. 

Watching Emma spit fire made his days brighter.

“Hush Angus,” Catriona reached over to grab her husband’s hand.  “Ye will do what Emma says.   Ye gave the castle a scare ye must rest now before Yuletide comes around for there are plenty of festivities we have planned.”

“I will rest as long as you continue to fret over me,” Angus winked at his wife.  “I recall ye mentioning this morn that ye would bathe me?”

Catriona gasped at her husband’s boldness and Emma just rolled her eyes.  Her father-in-law’s hint that he wanted to be alone with his wife, now that she knew he was feeling better, was all the encouragement she needed to rejoin everyone below.   “I’ll send up a tray for your supper,” she called over her shoulder as she headed to the door.   She knew they weren’t going to answer her, for from the corner of her eye, the two were already in each other’s embrace. She knew as well that Catriona was relieved and overwhelmed with her husband’s recovery. 

Emma’s heart was near to bursting with joy, the past sennight was grueling.   Watching Angus fall weak to illness was upsetting.   Caring for him, doing all that she could to help him get better was draining.   When he laid in fever several nights in row, the women all took turns watching over him, bathing him with cool cloths, making him sip water, getting broth into him to keep up some of his strength.    She didn’t want to admit the facts, but she was extremely worried when he was burning up from fever, she wasn’t sure that he would pull through.

Like some miracle though, several days after his feverish nights, he woke to being drenched in his own sweat.   His eyes opened, they were clear and he was asking for something to drink. 

It was winter in the Highlands the entire country side was blanketed in snow.  Animals tucked in cozy in their barns, the horses in their stables.  The village less lively as only the brave ventured out into the cold to purchase what they needed.  The courtyard was cleared enough so the men could keep up their training but they couldn’t stay out for long before the snow falling became too deep to spar in.  

There was much entertainment in the castle.  The great hall was overrun by the McKenna grandchildren and the McKenna’s themselves.   Closer clansmen along with their families, who had cottages nearby, were always welcome in the castle.  After the evening meals, some of the older clansmen told old tales of past times, some of romance, some of wars.  The musicians played their lutes as some others sang, a favourite time of the night for the children who enjoyed dancing.  After they went to bed, the songs became bawdy tunes of past exploits that usually sent the women to seek their chambers.

Preparations for Yuletide had already commenced.   A hunt organized and was successful for they had plenty of meat now that was dried and cured for the winter months.   Fresh pine scented boughs were placed along the walls and mantle of the fireplace, gave the great hall a warm and cozy scent.  

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