Chapter One: Going to the Chapel

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June 1952

It wasn't gas. Izzy rested a trembling hand on her stomach, her heart pushing its way high into her chest. She kept telling herself that it was gas, brought on by the horrible food she'd been eating. The greasy burger and soda she'd had the night before could have set her stomach turning—but what she'd just felt was definitely not gas.

She'd felt it move inside of her, there was no denying it. She straightened her back against the metal desk, willing herself to suck in her stomach. Through long, dark lashes she scanned the room. No one had noticed, their heads were all down, busy scribbling answers on the final exam in front of them.

Her hand was clammy, making her pencil slip through her fingers and rattle onto the desk. The abrupt sound drew a few quick glances her way. She smiled apologetically. Drawing a deep breath, she reread the last question of her english literature exam, trying to clear her mind and focus. All the while her stomach clamped itself tighter and tighter into a knot.

She wanted it to go away, but it wasn't going to disappear simply because she was ignoring it. Chewing her pencil nervously, she reread the question once again. There were only a few more minutes to finish the exam.  She jotted down an answer and turned the paper over.

Her stomach fluttered strangely and she looked down at it. She couldn't hide it much longer, it was starting to show. Cringing, she remembered how big her neighbor, Mrs. Julien had grown with her first baby. She'd waddled around at the end like an elephant, barely able to walk, her ankles so swollen she couldn't wear shoes for a whole month. Closing her eyes, she prayed a silent prayer that she would not end up like Mrs. Julien.

The school bell drilled out in the hall and a chorus of metal chairs squealed across the floor around her. Boys and girls stood with wide smiles, the room came alive with excited voices. It was the last day of school.

"Are you going to the movies tonight?" Janet O'Brien's voice nearly caused Izzy to fall out of her chair.

She realized she was the only one still sitting at her desk. Her petite friend cast her a puzzled expression through her new cats eye glasses. She dramatically brushed a golden ringlet off her forehead. Janet was always a step ahead of everyone else when it came to fashion. There wasn't a boy in school that wouldn't make a fool out of himself to call her his girl.

"What's the deal Izzy? Why are you still sitting in that desk? It's the last day of Valleywood High forever! We're free! You should be jumping for joy right now!"

"I am," said Izzy. "I guess I just can't hardly believe it's over. Which movie is playing tonight?"

"Father of the Bride, at the drive in, silly! Are you okay?" Janet's blue eyes widened with the question.

"Yes." Izzy said, her face heating up as Janet's eyes trailed to her hand resting on her stomach. "I've got a bit of the stomach flu, but I plan on going if it doesn't get any worse."

"I'm sure Donny would be really disappointed if you didn't come." Janet leaned over and winked, her long lashes touching her cheek. "And my father would never let me go without you. So, you've got to come."

Standing, Izzy grabbed her books from the desk basket and waited for her anxious classmates to squeeze through the door.

"I'll see you there!" Janet shot over her shoulder as she skipped out, her hair bouncing behind her, not a care in the world.

Izzy walked down the empty hallway, her books at her side, staring at her flat shoes hitting the tile. She wished she could revel in the excitement of graduating Valleywood High like everyone else, but she was forced to deal with the issue at hand instead.

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