Chapter 24

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Melody's POV

I woke up and I was in what looked like a hotel room. I looked around and I started to panic. I saw my father sitting in a corner watching me and all at once the memories came flooding back to me. I struggled to stand up but something was holding me down. I looked down and it turns out I was tied to a chair.

My dad then started laughing in a very creepy way.

"Well look who I found, the brat! You thought that you would never see me again, but I would never let that happen." He said.

"Please just let me go, I never did anything to you. Please." I whimpered.

"Hey! She finally speaks! But what she says is a complete lie! You took everything from me. You took my mate and you took my immortality. You took away the angel side of me!! The only way I could be with my mate was if I gave up my angel and became human, then we had you and your brother. Then my mate died. If it weren't for you I would still have my angel. You worthless piece of trash! If I can't have my mate then you can't be with yours; and before you speak, no, I will not kill him. That is too easy, you need to suffer just like I had to suffer so you are going to be somewhere that he will never find you!" He said.

I was shocked; he blamed me for losing his mate? That's crazy! I didn't want to lose her just as much as he didn't. Every day I have missed her, I was not the cause of her death!

I was interrupted from my thoughts by my father slapping my cheek.

"Now you listen brat, and you listen good. You will not speak another word, or your mate will pay the price. I will tie you up and lock you up where you are, and then I will tell your mate that you died and show him some fake proof. This will cause him to lose the will to live, and then he will die too. You will be the cause of your mate's death. So if you don't want that to happen you will not speak another word starting now. Understood?" He said.

I was shocked, however I knew that he would follow through with his threat so I just nodded my head as a tear rolled down my cheek.

"Good," he said, "now just sit and wait patiently our ride will be here any minute."

Just then there was a knock on the door. My father stood up and answered the door, and when the man walked into the room I was shocked.

There standing in front of me was my childhood friend, Tristan Anthony Sykes!

"Oh my goodness, Melody! Are you alright? When your dad told me what happened, it had me so worried!" he said.

I just tilted my head and looked at him curiously. I was so confused right now.

"Tristan, she is having a little trouble remembering what happened, she has a little amnesia, would you like to fill her in?" My dad said.

"Sure, so basically one night you were just having a normal night at home when suddenly someone came in the back door, knocked your father out, and kidnapped you. When your father was awake, he realized you were gone. So he called me up and told me what happened. Then he started looking for you. What he found was terrible, you were tied up to a tree and someone was beating you senseless. Finally they walked away because it was about dinnertime and your dad rescued you. However they soon found out, so he hid you and now you are here. To throw him off the trail he is going to be pretending that he leaves when really he will be in the house watching at all times. I am going to protect you and keep you from harm. Those guys are still chasing you and want to kill you. They will never stop but since you are my friend I will protect you with my life. I mean I know I shouldn't be telling you this now in this circumstance but I love you and I always have. I would rather die than you be in danger. So you are coming to live with me. Also just in case they search my house, you will be pretending to be my maid. You won't really be, but when anyone is there you will be. Ok? Come on, let's go before they find us." Tristan said.

"Oh, one last thing, in case there are dogs or trackers with them we are going to hide your scent, so that way you can't be found, For safety purposes I won't tell you how, but we are doing it so you remain safe. Also your father said that you were remaining silent because of the traumatic experience, which I totally understand. I probably wouldn't want to speak either, so there is no pressure and you don't have to speak. Just please if there are people, don't speak at all, because that could lead to them finding you and I can't bear for you to be in danger." Tristan said as he started to untie me.

"Sorry about the ropes, I had to tie her up with her amnesia, this way she wouldn't be confused and try to escape." My dad said.

"It's ok," Tristan said.

He then picked me up bridal style and carried me to a car, when he lowered me into the car, he kissed my forehead gently. A tear rolled down my cheek. "Hey, hey, hey, it's ok, it will all work out, you'll see!" Tristan said.

I just nodded my head, I had no choice too, I couldn't risk Randal's safety, so I just went along with my father's plan. The plan that he came up with by tricking my best friend into thinking he was doing what was best for me. With this last thought I closed my eyes, and fell into a fitful sleep.


I woke up to someone poking me, then voices.

"Mel, Mel, wake up, we are here. Also for now your name is Melanie, we will still call you Mel occasionally but your name is now Melanie until you are safe.

I just rubbed my eyes and nodded my head.

I then walked into the house, or should I say mansion! The place was almost as big as Randal's house, although it was slightly smaller. As the thought of Randal entered my mind, I felt a tear slide down my cheek. I wonder how he is doing right now. I quickly dismissed the thought, and wiped the tear away. I needed to be strong; to keep Randal and everyone else safe.

So with that thought, I walked into the house, and into my new life.

The Power of a Muted MateKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat