Chapter Eighteen- Starlight

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Walking down the short corridor that led out of the chamber into the foyer of the gate, Godric suddenly felt an iron grasp clench him by the arm and slam him against the stone wall. His head cracking against the cold brick. Through the stars that danced across his vision he saw the marred face of Theronin.

The young lord's injuries looked even uglier up close, forming a terrifying mask that only accentuated his blazing wrath. His eyes burned with fury beyond description until the malice was practically palpable.

"Burn in dragonfire," the lord hissed poisonously. He didn't scream or yell, instead remaining barely audible which seemed somehow even more threatening to Godric. His eyes revealed any hatred his tone neglected, which could not have been much. "Watch your back, boy. I will slit your throat and bathe Rae-Oiron in your blood if you give me chance. Nobody strikes me like this without feeling retribution."

Theronin removed his arm from Godric's chest, striking him with a closed fist across the face. Black patches flashed across Godric's vision as he keeled over with the force of the blow. The bitter taste of iron filled his mouth as his lip began to bleed. He hastily spat and tried to regain his bearings but was met only with another crushing blow to the abdomen. All the air was knocked mercilessly from his lungs, leaving him coughing and sputtering on the floor. Theronin planted another relentless kick to the boy's side causing an explosion of agony to flair through his ribs.

"Let that be a warning to you. Just wait until I gain my father's title; it'll be the only useful thing he ever did with it. You're a deadman." The empty coldness that he spoke of his father with sent a chill down Godric's bruised spine. There was no sadness or mourning in those eyes, only insatiable vengeance.

As the spots cleared from his vision Godric could vaguely see Theronin walk out of the corridor.

It took him a while to recover and catch his breath; after all, he had he was in no hurry to get up. His head ached painfully and he could feel a large knot forming where it had hit the wall. With every breath his ribs throbbed and his lip continued to swell, bleeding profusely.

Finally he gathered the strength to stand shakily. Taking a deep, painful breath, he limped down the corridor and into the outer room where Mira was pacing, clearly flustered.

Hearing his footsteps, she looked up. At first her face betrayed her happiness at seeing him, but that quickly changed to horror at his condition. Her dress swept behind her as she ran to his side where he flinched as she gently touched his wounds.

"What happened?" she cried. "Did Ennor do this to you?!"

He flinched again and swallowed. "No - no it's nothing."

"Like fire it's not," she protested. "How did this happen?"

Shaking his head he gently pushed her away. "Mira, calm down. I'll be fine; don't worry about it." She took a small step back, a look of hurt etched on her freckled face. Godric sighed. "Fine. Theronin."

Her eyes widened. "When?"

"Just now. He caught me in the hall out of the council room."

"Curse him," she muttered, the look of worry returning, "we need to get you to the infirmary."

For a moment he thought of protesting, but saw the concern in her eyes and knew she would hear nothing of it. "Yes, I s'ppose we do."  

She brushed a few loose strands of hair out of her face and nodded. "Alright, lead the way."

He started to walk toward the city but stopped. "Um, actually, I don't know where the infirmary is."

Mira rolled her eyes and sighed. "Have you been anywhere else in this city than the eating houses and the Arena?"

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