Chapter 5 - Desire

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The dress was perfect, it sat on her body as if it had been made for her.She looked stunning,She was the most beautiful woman ever. My father was standing in the kitchen waiting for her, he was looking at the window while he hears footsteps coming to his way. He turns around to see my mother, smiling and giggling. She was happy to spend some time with my father alone but in the same time she was worried for me to leave me alone in the house. I know I'm old enough to be responsible to stay alone but they are so st-ricked and responsible that they are scared to give me a little freedom. I promised my mother I ain't going to cause any trouble and I am going to be fine, reading a book in my room. They left for the dinner and I rushed upstairs to dress a pretty dress for the meeting with the handsome vampire. I know I am making a mistake meeting up with the one I like, It's like cheating on my fiancee' but we're just friends and there's nothing wrong in meeting with a friend.

It was eight o'clock sharp and I was standing where we said we will meet up. After a second passed Nate was standing in front of me, looking good as always. He was smiling and checking me out from head to toe, I liked that but I had to act as if I haven't noticed him,doing it. 

The best way to avoid trouble with my parents is to go back home, so I invited Nate and thankfully he agreed'. First of all it''s safe from the monsters of the night, second I am safe if my parents gets back home early. We arrived home and went immediately to my room , I sat on the bed and he stood near the door examining the room. I said nothing and stayed on my bed looking at him admiring his personality', he looked at me and murmured '' Impressive room,it's very nice,May I '' he pointed his finger to my bed, meaning he wants to sit. I nodded my head and smiled at him. I was thinking whether to ask him or not about  why he saved me, I thought a lot but I discovered I ain't breaking any law by asking a question. Nate touched my face and looked me in the eye and whispered '' ask whatever you have in mind Elsie'' , '' or you won't sleep at night'' he giggled. 

I was shocked yet happy, he touched my face for the first time while speaking to me. I asked him why he saved my life and what kept him away from feeding on me. He stayed calm and clarified 

''Recently I've been watching you living your life, you attracted me from the very first time I saw you. I knew you were a tough girl, when you were going to discover the identity of me, I knew you were going to accept me the way I am. Not like the rest of the town, they call us monsters. Maybe it's true some of us are but we're not all the same.

I heard you crying during the night so I had to keep an eye on you. That's when I came to save your life,and I am proud of that''

He left me speechless, no words to express what I feel right now. I have butterflies flying all over my stomach! I am not suppose to feel that', I am going to get married soon. I thanked Nate once again,for the kindness and truth. Vampires are monsters, they feed on human innocent blood but Nate is different! We sat there for hours talking and laughing, I don't imagine another vampire laughing with me, but he was. At one o'clock in the morning my parents came back home, he got up removed my fringe from my face and whispered goodnight. He walked towards the window and jumped. It was a long way down, he jumped all the way down! I ran to look if he was fine, but he was already gone. I headed back to bed before my mother comes up to check on me. The very moment I covered my self with the covers she opened the door and whispers to my dad, '''she's sleeping,she's fine''. 

It was the best night of my life,simple yet amazing. The sheets smelled like him, I hugged my pillow and slept smiling with a huge smile on my face. 

In the morning I went downstairs for breakfast , and listened to my mother telling me about yesterday's dinner. I wished I could tell her what I really did last night but she would probably get furious.

I lied to her once again, I told her I am sleeping at Anna's tonight', so she would say yes,definitely'. I already made up my plan in my mind, I'll go meet Alexander for some time than I'll leave to meet Nate with the excuse of sleeping at Anna's.

I had to meet Alexander no matter what because I had to role play with the fact I'm a happy fiancee',meeting her perfect Rich! boyfriend.


Alexander was whispering in my ears some beautiful words, making the moment look romantic. I was enjoying this,a lot but I have a problem! During the romantic moment between me and my fiancee', I was thinking about my crush Nate. I kept it for my self and stored it back in my brain. The time was passing really slow, I was counting every second and minute that passes. At eight o'clock in the evening I left to meet Nate', in the same place of yesterday. He was standing there already, looking at the sky', waiting for me.  I walked towards him and he immediately welcome me with a bow and a kiss on my hand, He have the most good manners. He decided to take me somewhere where we'd be alone,somewhere away from the world. We went in a small room in the middle of the forest. I was scared to be in the middle of the forest again! I promised my self I ain't going there again but I was with him, I was protected. 

The room was filled with old furniture, it had a bad,a table,counter and some use full stuff. It seems that someone lives here. I thought that Nate lives here but he said he comes here some time to think and reflect,but he have a different house. We sat down and he offered me some blood he had in the bags, he laughs at me and throw me a can of coke. He bought that especially for me. We talked about lots of stuff but suddenly I break down the conversation with a stupid idea'.

'' Um Nate, I want to tell you something , I thought a lot during the night and I am sure about it now. I was thinking maybe you should turn me into a vampire. '' I said scared of his answer. 

He stood up,removed the blood bag from his hand and said '' You're joking right? Never in a million years Elsie!''

I wanted to know why he rejected my suggestion, and he insisted he won't turn me into a vampire.

'' Being a vampire have it's good and bad things, You may get some powers. You may even be lucky enough to be able to live for another couple hundred years but Unless you learn to control your urges, you could kill people as well as other creatures. You may even get tracked down, captured, tortured, tormented or killed by a vampire hunter or by some other ignorant, bigoted jerk.Most of all you will be slave of the sun for eternity.''

I sat down quietly without saying a word, He was right and he knows what it means to be a vampire, but I wanted to turn into one so bad that I was really mad at him. He wanted to know why I want to turn into a vampire. I looked at him and innocently said '' Isn't it obvious Nate? I want to spend the rest of my life with you, and to do that I have to be immortal like you! '' 

I am sure he didn't except my answer with the way he stared at me and he moved closer to me and whispered

'' I'll do it if it makes you happy', after all I want to be with you as well '' 

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