Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

Last night was an awesome slept I gotten after I confronted Ivan. No more nightmare invaded the sleep and I felt secure in the strong yet warm embraced. I study the calm face whom lightly snores beside me. The red bites on the skin making my heart swell with pride. Such a good viewed to starting my day. I plant a good morning kiss and giggle when he wriggles with close eyes.

Guess I need to bath alone today. I got into the bathroom and seem my naked reflection in the length mirror. My skin filled with the angry love bites. I traced once by once embrace last night scene. The lovemaking session was slightly different from others, mixed with soft and hardcore technique yet the feeling of contentment was so high to describe with any word.

Alfred seems shifted into a new person that was different from his usual self. The new discovery begins to stir the curious side in mine. I wanted to discover more of his secret underneath his playful mask. Last night had proven that Alfred has many other sides that he hides from me.

My eyes were red puffy from crying too much in pleasure last night. Is it only the pleasure? I blush and smile but then it all writhing from my face. I just remember the real cause wasn't from the love making session but the one that I deemed not worthy to forgive as I alive.

The sweet happiness that just rose up became paler comparatively to the worry in my heart. How is he? Who can provide the information? I slumped into the bathtub when my mood deflates in depression again.

I am the worst an example of human for giving in pleasure when another person coped with the dead right now. Is this the sweet revenge I always wanted? No, it is not sweet at all. What I taste was pure bitter and searing pain over my soul. I can't confide with anyone after I put a mountain denied over that person.

In addition, Alfred will disappoint if he knows what the thought I was having here. I've used Alfred to escaped from bitter true. I used our sacred love making to distracted me from thinking about Ivan. I hurt both men with my indecisiveness and childish behaviour.

At the times like this, I wished Reese will appear and I can blurt the entire hidden secret inside me. The hurt, the betrayed, the loved, and confusion that co- exist in my heart. I wanted someone that not related to both parties, that can advise and ensure me not taking the destruction way.

I wanted the certain future, for my son and me. Alfred has proven that he was qualified to provide it to me. Ivan? I don't know his betrayal make me scared to put any hope on him. However, I know he was a great father just like how shattered he was when Allen unconsciousness hating him. The inhuman person just had taken a kid commented with bleeding heart.

A knock on glass door wake me from the mixed emotion. I splash the cold water across my face hoping it could cure some of crying effect. Gosh, why my eyes work like broken dam? It is so embarrassing to face anyone. I should not have let someone else opinion stirred the relation between Alfred and me.

I'd disappointed him in this matter. Why not I just blindly trust him just like the time when he proposed me. Why I am so weak? So, waver to solidify our bond. Alfred never lied and it is vain to compete with a dead person. The rejection signed makes me so damn emotion and cannot think rationally.

"Babe, I've prepared breakfast. Come up quickly because my stomach has begun singing the hungry song since thirty minutes ago." He whistles on the other side of the door.

"Wait a second." I said after pull off the tub's plug to drain the used water. I take the towel and wrap it around my waist. Alfred spots me with a desire eyes in his eyes.

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