Chapter 11

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"You cant go around kidnapping girls!" A voice shouts as I groan sleepily with my eyes still closed,

"It wasnt my fault! That asshole tried to take her from me!" A familiar voice shouts as I try to block out the voices,

"Shes not yours Noah!" Another voice shouts as my eyes flew open hearing his name,

I looked up seeing a familiar background. I sat up seeing a room that was familiar but I couldnt find out where. I got up and noticed I was in my clothes which meant I didnt get any last night which was awkward cuz...

My eyes widened before I ran towards the window and threw open the curtains. I looked across the window seeing my empty room before screaming my ass off for some stupid ass reason. I stopped when the door was busted down and I turned around seeing Noah and the other four guys from last time.

"What happened?!" They all shouted as I chuckled nervously,

"Yeah uhm why the fuck am I here?" I ask with a smile as they looked at each other before they all turned to Noah,

"He brought you here so if you call the cops tell them it was him" The blonde guy says as I roll my eyes and turn back to the window,

"Yeah Im not a snitch so uh Im just gonna uh.." I mumbled along since I couldnt fricken open the stupid ass window,

"Jezzabelle, you do know that windows been nailed shut right?" Noah asked as my eyes widened before turning back with a chuckle,

"So...Im just gonna uh.." I trailed off trying to come up with some stupid idea to get out of his house,

"Oh my gosh look!" I shout pointing out the window as they scramble towards the window,

I waited for all of them to look outside before running out of the door. I ran down the stairs seeing the front door as I smiled. Just as I was about to reach the doorknob a humongous body stood in front of me as I almost fell back before a pair of strong arms catched my fall.

I looked up seeing the most greek god looking dude ever like wtf?! How tf can a guy look this hot?

"Sorry" He says with a deep husky voice as I almost melted in his buff arms,

"Am I in heaven?" I ask with a smirk as he chuckles and pulls me up so Im standing,

"No Im pretty sure Noahs house isn't anywhere near heaven" he says with a disgusted face as I laugh,

"Thats true" I say with a nod before laughing with him,

"Dylan stop flirting with the boss girl" The blonde guy from upstairs says pushing the hot guy in front of me back as I frowned,

"Scuse you Irene lover, but I am not whoever your bosses girl is ok!? I am a strong independent woman.........that wants to know your number" I say turning to this Dylan guy that was looking me up and down with a smirk,

"If you dont take that smirk off your face I'll knock it off for you" Noah says from behind me as I rolled my eyes,

"And exactly who the heck are you to take away a nice looking appointment?" I ask turning around with a hand on my hip as I noticed there were more guys around me,

"Well me being the closest person to you then any other idiot here, I have the right to tell any fuck boy to back off you" Noah replies crossing his muscular arms over his chest as I glared at him,

"Just cuz we used to hang out alot a bajillion years ago doesnt mean your my fucking father" I say mean mugging him as he raises a perfectly plucked eyebrow of his,

"I might as well be your father since that jackass was never around anyways" He says as the room stays quiet,

"He may have never been around but at least before he left, he told me! And not leave me hanging for years waiting on him to come back you jackass!" I snapped back as I see his face soften but before he opened his mouth I turned around and walked out not waiting to hear another word from his stupid ass mouth,

My father may have never been around but he had no right saying that in front of his friends! I told him about my family problems for him to keep it a secret! I spent nights at his house crying about wanting a parent figure in my life and all he does is throw it back in my face! I fucking hate you Noah Westbrook!!!!!

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