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2. On the Rocks

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3 years ago.
Toronto, ON

Nina clenched her fists together, and blew a blast of warm air into her palms, fighting the bite in the wind picking up around her. It was the sign of another snow storm brewing; just another mark of the harsh winter that had mercilessly battered the city for months. Winter brought out the survival instincts in some, and the tendency to recede into hibernation in others. But the scarcity of the sun cast the same depressing gloom even on the most resilient of spirits. Somehow, Nina still found the beauty in all of it - the ruthless gusts of the wind chill, the salt being crushed under her feet, and the dense silence she revered when snowfall came.

She ducked her head under the hood of her parka, and squinted against the assault of snow and sleet against her face as she walked the remaining block on the wind tunnel that was Bay Street, passing the few other brave souls navigating the bitter, biting evening cold.

She huffed out as she pulled a door against the force of the wind, finally stepping through the large glass enclosure gracing the corner of Bay and Bloor. The heat in the lobby of the building greeted her frostbitten cheeks, and her lungs drew in their first intake of warm air. She pulled her hood back, shaking out the snowflakes that had embedded themselves into her mass of auburn curls as she smiled at the man behind the reception desk and headed toward the elevator. She was just as recognizable to him as any other resident, in a building she didn't exactly live in. Nina clicked the call button for the elevator as she unwound her grey cashmere scarf from her neck, and draped it over her forearm as she waited for the gold-finished doors to separate.

"23, please," she said to the man standing closest to the console as she stepped into the crowded cabin of residents and guests alike, all rubbing their hands together as feeling finally returned to their limbs.

After several stops in between the ground floor and the 23rd, Nina finally stepped out into the hallway, and twisted the knob to the door leading to Suite 2301.

Echoing laughter, music, and the inviting smell of comfort food - this laced the fragrant air in Johanna's apartment on nights like this, and Nina smiled as she shrugged off her coat, and flung it up onto the standing coat hanger holding an array of jackets, scarves, and hats. She zipped down the back of her leather boots, and stepped out onto the warm parquet flooring as she followed the crescendo of conversation in the living room. She stopped in the full-length mirror in the foyer, and inspected the damage.
She rubbed out the smudge of mascara underneath her eye, and fought a few of her curls into place, before she fished into her messenger bag for her pot of lip balm. She dabbed a generous helping on quickly, pressed her lips together, and then padded forward.

The Christmas tree she had just helped Johanna decorate days before was now on display, fully lit and trimmed in gold as the glittering rhinestone star at the top skimmed the high ceiling.
"Nina!" Johanna greeted, raising her glass full of ice and liquor. She stood from the couch, and quickly shuffled toward Nina. She locked her arm into hers and pulled her along, leading her away from the center of the crowded living room.

"I forgot to warn you," Johanna muttered guiltily as her gaze darted behind Nina's head. Her face changed in an instant, and she forced a stiff smile as someone approached them. "About this"

"Desmond," Nina uttered. She grabbed Johanna's drink from her, and took a sip. She grimaced at the taste, and then shifted her eyes up from the center of his chest, to his face.
"You've been ignoring my calls, my texts... I honestly didn't think I'd see you here," Desmond said, his tone failing to mask his bruised-up ego.
"I'm not hiding out, Dez, I just needed time off from everything."
"Not everything. You mean you needed time off from me."
"Come on, Dez. This isn't the time or place," she hissed as her brows met in agitation. "We've done enough fighting. We can be civil for a few hours. For Johanna, at least."
"Civil? Nina. I don't want to be civil," Desmond shook his head in resistance, and stepped forward, cupping her face in his hand. "I want more than that. I want - "
She flinched at his uninvited touch, and took a step back, halting his advance. He stared back at her, his expression muddled in confusion and pain.
"Nina, I need you in the kitchen," she felt a tug on her elbow that could only be Johanna's. "Baking emergency."
She shrugged at Desmond, and whisked Nina away from the thickening tension he'd brought with him.
When they stepped into the kitchen, Nina brushed her hair out of her face and instinctively pulled the oven door open.
"Jo, there's nothing in here," she said as she spun around, watching Johanna clambering for a platter and setting it on the counter. She pulled a large white cardboard box from a bag, and pried it open impatiently.
"Of course there isn't. I don't even know how to work that oven, you know that," she scolded as she slid the box toward Nina, following it with a ceramic platter.
"You can't even plate a bunch of cupcakes without needing my help?" Nina shook her head, and Johanna burst into a giggle.
"I'm a hazard in the kitchen, Nina. That's why I have you. "She raked her fingers through her signature pixie haircut as Nina arranged the cupcakes over the platter. "But seriously. I'm sorry I forgot to pull Desmond's invitation."
"Don't worry about it, I'm good."
"We've been doing this holiday party for years, and he was just always the default, you know? It was always Nina, and then Desmond. A few weeks ago, you had a ring on your finger. You break the engagement, and now - I have to remember to cancel him out of our lives. That's going to take me some time."

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