Chapter 13- Proposal

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Alley's P. O.V

Mom teleported us to the underworld. Apparently, she has the power of teleportation. Unfortunately, we don't.

The underworld is dark and looks really scary. It looked like a cave with torches to bring light. We didn't go to the dangerous part so the demon level here was minimal.

As we got down we were attacked by two demons who shoot lasers from their palms. We easily vanquished them.

Only mom, Selena and I came. Mom convinced Jake and Mark to stay and watch the house, though they didn't want to at first.

"Who's the target?" I whispered to mom afraid that I might attract more demons.

"Zoru. The one that was controlling Jake. He is a really powerful upper level demon that has the ability to control others." Mom briefly explained.

"Oh." I said. "Do you have any idea why he was controlling Jake making him say those horrible things?"

"I believe that was to ensure that you and Jake don't get together. If he can prevent that from happening then he can prevent the greater good that's about to come in the future." She said and I nodded mutely. It all makes sense now. If Jake and I don't become a couple then in the future things won't go as according to the prophecy.

But seriously, does some stupid demon thing that he could keep us from each other. Ha, he gotta try harder than that if he wants to succeed.

"Where do we find him?" Selena asked.

"He'll be here in five.... Four.... Three.... Two..... One.." As mom said one a demon, zoru I presume, appeared.

He is abnormally tall with extra pale skin. His face looked half human and half something else. The right side looked perfectly human with black eye while the left side looked red like there is no flesh and darker shade of black eye.

I thought the one from earlier gave me creeps, but this one beats.

Zoru smiled menacingly at us. "Wow what a wonderful visit Selene. What have we got here? The very own destined power. It's a pleasure to finally feel the power they possessed." He said in a low, rough and creepy voice that gave me chills.

"I'm not here for a chit chat zoru." Mom said and instantly threw a portion that would prevent zoru from controlling us. "Enjoy what you feel cause it's the last thing you'll ever feel."

Mom gave us the go ahead signal and we started chanting a spell.

We watched zoru slowly vanished before our eyes with a huge explosion that send us flying into the rock wall.


Mom hurriedly teleported us back home into the magic room.

"Where are you hurt?" Mom asked us both.

"Foot." Selena said while I said "arm."

My arm had a huge cut with blood gushing out while Selena's foot looked broken with a few bruises. Mom on the other hand, painfully hit her head but is trying to hide it and tend to us.

Jake rushed to my side while Mark rushed to Selena's.

They lifted us bridal style and carried us to a sofa to lay on.

"Are you okay?" Jake asked.

"No. Far from it." I said honestly through winces.

"I could heal it for you."

"It's fine. Heal mom first before she loses consciousness." I said when I noticed mom holding onto a sofa to prevent her from falling.

Jake rushed over to her vampire speed and gently helped her on the sofa. He used his hand to heal her with a glow of light. That was so cool.

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