Chapter XLII: Love on Top

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Finally! I really wanted to post this but there were circumstances that happened.

But here is it!

Read and Enjoy my ever beauties. Vote and Comment please. :D


“Raf please!”

“No karmiy”

I stomped my foot as I follow Raf walking, more like sprinting to get away from me, to the library. I heard him snort but didn’t try to look at my direction and just continued walking.

“You can’t get away from me Rafael Edwards!” I yelled up on him when he started to walked upstairs, “You know I can be persistent if I wanted to be. I don’t have any idea why will you not accept it. You’re gonna waste something that will be a major key to your dreams? I think you’re not thinking straight. I’ll stop blabbing about this if you give me a rational reason why are you doing this. You’re even acting differently. I mean, you should be happy your Dad did this. Is it because your head is so big and your common sense is floating somewhere inside your head―”

“Drop it Scarlet! I. Said. No.” He spoke word by word, as he turned to gazed down on me, with a look of anger in his eyes.

I was rooted on my spot with mouth unconsciously opened when he entered the library. Even if I have no clue, I know he’s really mad.

He called me by my name.

Seven days.

It’s been a week since Raf told me about his Dad and his change of heart. And it’s been a week since I started to question him why isn’t he going to London for his scholarship to pursue his dream as a photographer.

There are still a lot of good schools that offers photography courses in some state but the school in London is well-known and prestigious which I researched about.

Raf said he should be there by the end of March if he decided to accept the scholarship which he should really do ‘coz it will be put to waste if he didn’t.

He’s giving me lame, stupid excuses why he doesn’t want to go. And these excuses make me want to punch him just so I can give sense to him.

Who would buy an excuse that he doesn’t want to go because he hates British accent?

C’mon! British accent is sexy. Pfft.

Another excuse was, he said he decided he had already fallen in love in becoming a doctor and he’ll just pursue it. That’s the most bullsh*t excuse I’ve heard from him. And that gives me enough basis that he’s hiding the real reason. But he won’t tell me what really is it. Grrrrrrrrrrr.

I walked slowly towards Raf was sitting near a window. He looked calm as he was too engrossed reading a novel. Silently, I seated infront of him hoping he wasn't mad at me.

I frowned at him when he didn't even gaze up. Is he mad?

“Hey” I whispered, trying to get his attention but silence was my response. Wow, he’s really mad.

“Raf, are you mad?” I tried once more and that got his attention. He looked up from the book he’s reading and stared at me with a look that says ‘You think?!’ then continued reading again.

Well then.

Sighing, I got up from my seat to walk around the table and seated beside him.

“Raf” I whispered

No response.


No response.

“Rafael Edwards”

CERTIFIED GIRL FAGNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ