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The sun was about to show itself. The coldness in the atmosphere was about to decrease. A new day was about to start. Suddenly an eagle flew from the north indicating the arrival of the Royalties!


Shehzade Orhan was on his horse with his two guards behind and two ahead of him with three men with dogs. Behind the two guards were four carts, Sultana Kader was in the first one with Bulbul Agha and Fidan Kalfa. Gulbahar Hatun was in the second one with Maria and a lady doctor. The third one was filled with the things of Shehzade in separate boxes and the fourth one had 6 concubine with the things of Gulbahar.


Kader Sultan was quiet and tears were falling down her cheeks which she every time wiped with a handkerchief in her hand. Shehzade Orhan was also in a shock but it was like he couldn't express anything and was just doing what was necessary.

They were on the road near a hillside. It was kind of a secret path which gets connected to the road which leads to the capital. It is a bit risky yo go from there! Anything can happen there as land-sliding is common there. There are some trees on the sloppy side of the hill and is covered with some ❄️ snow!

"Leave me!" Shouted Roilena. "Lady! Keep quite! Or else.." The man angered. "Or else what? Kill me if you want! I don't care!!" Roilena then pushed the man and started to get rid of the ropes. "Ahh!!" Shouted Roilena. "What did you do!?" Cried Victoria. The man came forward to the cart and slapped Roilena and forcefully pulled her out the cart resulting in some scratches on her face from the corner of the cart. "Leave me!"cried Roilena. "You wanted to be killed right?.. so now be happy that you are going to be killed by me!" The man said. He slapped her so tightly that she fainted there and then he pushed her. Roilena after so much cruelty was unconscious and fell on the ground.

"Roilenaa!!" Yelled Victoria. She couldn't do anything accept asking them to leave her with Roilena. "Leave me here or else I will kill myself too!" Shouted Victoria. "Shut up!"the man ignored. "I will kill you!" Threatened Victoria. "Kill me!"said That man. Victoria hit him with her leg in the face. The man jumped on to her and started beating her and suddenly his partner came and stopped him before it was too late. "You will burn in hell! I swear I will not spear you !"said Victoria. "Throw her with her!" Shouted That man and rushed to the donkey and continued to go forward.


"My Shehzade! The road is blocked!" Said Murad Agha. "What should we do?"asked Shehzade Orhan. "I think we should take that road near the hillside. "Okay! Lets go then!"said Shehzade Orhan.

"My Sultana!" Said Fidan Kalfa. After getting no response she again said" My Sultana?!". "Speak Fidan? What happened?" Said Kader Sultan. "Are you feeling okay?"asked Bulbul Agha. "I am fine! Just trying to wake up from the deep sorrow which has covered me !" Said Kader Sultan.
Sudddenly the Cart stopped and she asked "Check why they stopped!".
Bulbul Agha went out of the cart and returned saying " My Sultana!! There is a girl lying on the ground with another girl who is crying beside her!". "What? Bulbul what are you talking about?" Asked Kader Sultan.
Bulbul Agha put the curtain aside and opened the door for Kader Sultan to go out,
She saw Shehzade Orhan carrying the girl who was unconscious and the other girl following him and she got confused and walked towards him.
"Son! What are you doing?" Asked Kader Sultan. "Mother! Take aside!"said Shehzade Orhan.

Kader Sultan felt ignored and returned to her cart furiously.

Shehzade Orhan took her to Gulbahar's Cart and put Roilena on the floor.
"Doctor examine her!" Said Shehzade Orhan. "Orhan!? Who is she?"asked Gulbahar Hatun. "I don't know.. we should concentrate on her to wake up right?" Said Shehzade Orhan. Gulbahar felt ignored and kept quiet.

Who are you? Why did you brought her here?" Asked Victoria. "Respect Hatun!" Angered Murad Agha and took her to the corner.
Shehzade Orhan Ignored her and continued to stare at Roilena. The doctor finally said "My Shehzade! She'll soon be okay! Don't worry!".
"I knew.." Shehzade Orhan whispered and then smiled and returned.
"What was that??" Gulbahar angered.

Kader Sultan was expecting Shehzade Orhan but he didn't come and the cart started to move. Kader Sultan was completely pissed off!


"I never imagined the harem to be like this, I heard so much about it. It's almost as if it were a land of wonders!" Said Tacünnisa Hatun.

"Most of the things you heard are false, Tacünnisa But it is true that it indeed is a land of wonder. Do you know why? Because this is the only place in the world where you can become a world ruling Sultana in a palace where you once entered as a slave" Said Gevherhen Sultan.

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