Chapter 28

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Aria ran faster than she had ever run before, only slowing enough so that the torch she carried wasn't extinguished by her speed. Save for the alarmed cries of the elves, the forest was unnervingly silent, and every snap of a broken twig under her feet, sounded out like a firecracker. Although she could not see them, she could feel the terrified stares of four legged creatures hiding in the thick brush, as they watched her run all the way back into Rhidwynn.

Reaching the hollowed tree again, Aria was relieved to find Aramus still there. He seemed unaware of the commotion that was happening outside as he adjusted the leather strap of his satchel in the brightly lit meeting place.

"Aria, what's the matter?" he asked, stepping toward her.

"Didn't you hear the ground tremble?" she said, trying to catch her breath again.

"I did. But why do you look so terrified? It's not as if the ground has never shook before," he said with a small smile.

"No, not like this. Something is wrong, something is very wrong. Come outside and see." Aria grabbed Aramus by his arm and dragged him out into the pitch-black woodland. "Look at the sky, the moon has gone, and I can't see the stars anymore. Even the vines have disappeared and the elves cannot call them back again. I had to run all the way here."

Aria breathed heavily as she searched the canopy where the night sky should have poked through, but her eyes failed to see anything other than the darkness. In all of her years alive, in all the stories she had heard about her kingdom, she had never encountered such a thing, and it terrified her. Her mind raced as she tried to make sense of their situation, but it ran too fast to give her a reasonable explanation.

Aramus turned toward her and his amber eyes rested on some indiscernible place on her face; her nose, her lips, she couldn't tell which. It was only then that she realised she was still clinging tightly to his arm.

"Don't be scared," he said. "Olórin will know what to do."

Aramus reached up and pushed some of the red curls away from her face. His hand followed the line of her jaw until it rested gently under her chin. Stepping closer to her, he raised her head until it was only a few inches away from his own. Aria felt a nervous thrill start in her belly and a deep flush ignite a heat in her cheeks. She was grateful for the darkness in that moment.

"I won't let anything happen to you," he said, with a handsome smile.

Aria couldn't help but smile in return. The chains around their necks loosened again and if she tried hard enough, Aria was sure she would be able to squeeze it over her head. But she didn't want to, not yet. She wanted to see if Aramus reflected any of the feelings that she seemed to have developed for him. Like a tidal wave that withdrew at the beginning, recoiled at the coast being so close to it, her feelings for Aramus had washed over her and destroyed the hate she had for him. But Aramus was always so irritatingly calm when they were in close proximity. The amber eyes she gazed into now, only served to remind her that he was still the son of Dantet, and her parent's murderer, no matter what she might feel for him.

"Olórin said I am to bring you to him," she said, quietly wishing that Aramus would refuse to go for just a few moments longer. Aria was disappointed when he withdrew his hand.

"Come on then, best not keep the wizard waiting. He might die of old age if we delay," Aramus said, taking hold of her around her waist and spreading his wings wide.

Within seconds they were soaring through the air at a speed which Aria was sure would see them crash into an unseen tree. She dropped her torch and wrapped her arms around Aramus's neck, her eyes wide with fright.

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