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"Drinks are here" I called, carrying them in on a tray to save a trip back into the kitchen

"Oo a tray! We are treated like Royalty!" Luke teased

I stuck out my tongue "Haha very funny! It's to save a trip"

"Lazy" Luke mouthed, as I placed the drinks down on coasters and settled down with my coffee

Time was ticking on and all we had eaten was some crisps and a sandwich, 6pm was approaching meaning we had to sort out something for dinner

"What does everyone fancy for dinner?" Elliott asked, standing up and getting organised

You read my mind!

"Mmm, I could eat a pizza, BBQ chicken, with cheesy chips and -" Luke began, rubbing his stomach

Elliott and I looked at each other and giggled "This isn't a cafe Luke, you were with us when we went food shopping so will know what we got, and what we didn't. Since I put most of it away, I don't remember seeing a BBQ chicken pizza, sorry...." I explained

Luke's jaw dropped "What do you mean?! I specifically asked for that pizza and Corey can witness that you, Elliott Thomas Wilson even said yes to getting it! Who put it out of the trolley?"

I raised my hands in defence and shook my head "I didn't"

Corey didn't admit to it, and I knew secretly that Elliott had taken it out of the trolley, just to wind up Luke, and he sure had.

"This isn't fair. I specifically said that I like that pizza the most! Elliott did you take it out of the trolley? Because it sounds like the sort of idiot thing you would do"

Elliott raised an eyebrow "Mate, take a joke. I took it out to wind you up, and maybe forgot to put it back in....sorry"

"Sorry? Is that all I get for your stupid joke?" Luke argued

I rolled my eyes "Guys, chill out. It's only pizza"

Luke shot me a glare, indicating for me to be quiet "No! It is not just pizza, it's the simple fact he's always doing stuff to wind me up"

Corey mumbled "It's working though"

By this point, Elliott had walked out of the room and upstairs, probably to the bathroom

"What's the real issue though Luke? It's not just pizza, that's a bit pathetic" Corey asked

Luke clenched his fist, took a deep breath, and then unclenched again "I just said; it's because he never does it to you! Last time, he tried to wind me up by putting glue in my shoes, so when I put them on, they stuck to me! Why why why does he never do it to you!"

Corey and I didn't know how to respond

"I don't know" I sighed "But please don't argue! I don't like it when you guys fight"

I felt someone whack me round the head, I turned and saw Elliott "We won't fight! Shut up!"

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