36 | Answers

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Manny's easy-going manner had faded in the ten minutes since Emma had handed him the manila envelope, and now the seriousness of his expression was unsettling her. She sat still under his scrutiny for a few more minutes with the uncanny feeling that she was being assessed in some way.

"Manny, please," she began again, "I really need these answers."

"Ay... I have a bad feeling about this, Emma." He shook his head slowly.

"Please?" she beseeched him, leaning forward slightly.

"Dios mío! Now I know why your papá always complained about not being able to resist you!" He chuckled a little, but then his expression sobered. "I'll tell you what I know about all of this, but I strongly urge you to leave the matter be. This should only be information acquisition, understand?"

"I can't promise that," she responded slowly. "I won't do anything stupid on my own, but if you know something that could clear my dad's name, and bring the right people to justice..." Her words trailed off.

"Just like your father, I swear!" Manny muttered under his breath. "Fine, I will tell you. But first, I have a question."


"Have you spoken to Greta about all of this?"

"You know Greta?" Emma asked, her eyes widened in shock.

"Of course," Manny replied, "your father didn't trust very many people. As far as I know, he only came to me and Greta with his suspicions when the police wouldn't listen to him."

"Why Greta?" her brows knit together in confusion.

"Well, she was somewhat involved because of Daniel, but also Frankie knew she was strong and smart enough to do the right thing if the time came. You must understand, your father's first priority was yours and your brother's safety. Always. He would rather have you protected than get justice for himself." An exasperated sigh issued from deep in his chest, "He always tried to do everything on his own, though. If he had come to me sooner, or asked for help, things might have turned out very different."

"What do you mean, Manny?" Emma asked quietly.

"It's a long story, Emma. Have you spoken to her?"

Emma could see that he wasn't going to tell her anything else until she answered his question. A fresh wave of grief swept over her and she fought the tears that flooded her eyes, blinking them away. She stared at the floor for a moment, before taking a deep breath.

"No, I wasn't able to speak to her before she... she got sick. I can't talk to her anymore. That's why I'm here."

"Ay... Muy mal," Manny muttered. "How did she die?"

"Cancer. She only found out a few months ago. It spread quickly."

"I'm very sorry to hear that, she was a good woman," Manny offered. "Tell me, what do you wish to know, Emma."

Emma contemplated this for a few minutes. What did she want to know? She'd begun to draw tentative conclusions based on the events of the past few months, and the information from the safe seemed to support them. She wanted confirmation. To know whether or not she was on the right track. There was something else though, too. She wanted to know what really happened to her dad. Especially now. Manny insisted he cared more for her and Evan, than he did for himself. It was an entirely new perspective for her. Having always assumed his guilt, and now being faced with the possibility she'd been wrong, gnawed at her.

She began to speak, her words deliberate, "A couple of months ago, when I was packing up my Grandma's house, someone broke into the moving van. At the time, the police just assumed it was a petty thief, a kid." A slow, uncertain breath whistled out between her teeth as she considered how much to tell Manny. If she told him too much, he might not help her in an attempt to protect her, but she was sick and tired of being coddled and treated like she was fragile. Her lips set in a determined line.

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