Chapter 35 - Good/Bad Decision

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Katherine's POV

She looked at me, tears streaming down her cheek, fear evident in her eyes. I swallowed hard, my throat closed up, I wanted to say something but suddenly I ran out of words.

She shook her head, her tears still falling, I felt mine about to fall too.

"No Katherine no !" She said, her voice muffled with tears, weak and vulnerable "Please tell me he is lying, please.." She hiccupped a sob , "This can't be happening.."

My mouth stayed shut unable to form anything, I parted my lips but nothing came out. What should I say ?

Her pain hurt me, and the first tear escaped. I know there is more to come.

"What's wrong ?"

I didn't know that Ashton is in the room till I heard his confused voice.

Cara's eye flicked toward him, something flashed in them before she suddenly marched forward toward him. My eyes widened as she pushed him away angrily, "It's all because of you, everything wrong is because of you!" She snapped as she hit his chest. Ashton stood frozen as she kept on hitting him , pushing him away.

I wanted to go and tell her to stop, to pull her away from him, but I couldn't. My legs were frozen in their place, I couldn't get myself to even walk. As if my mind stopped working properly anymore.

"Why you had to enter our lives ! Why you had to enter Katherine's life ?! I hate you , I hate you !!" She snapped again , her voice raising , her tears still falling, Ashton's jaw ticked, he shut eyes , but he said nothing , his arms beside him didn't move, he didn't even flinch ,he did nothing to stop her, he just let her hit him more and more.

Alex walked toward them , he tried to pull her away , but she didn't give up, she said something but I couldn't make it out , her sobs over covered her words making it hard to understand.

"Cara , Stop !" Alex said sternly taking hold of both her arms and pulled her away from Ashton, he wrapped his arms around her, then pulled her toward his chest where she continued sobbing,he held her tightly and whispered something in her ears probably trying to calm her down but instead, her cries increased , breaking my heart more.

She stayed in Alex's embrace for a while, her tears not stopping.

I hate seeing them like this, in pain. And the problem is , it's because of me.

She pulled away from Alex , her eyes swimming with pain as she looked at me , tears lined her dark lashes and poured over her cheek.

She removed Alex's arms from around her and ran toward me. She pulled me into a tight hug and I directly hugged her back. My hand stroking her hair from behind , "It's okay." I whispered, trying my best not to let my voice shake, "It's going to be okay."

She shook her head , her hold tightened , "No ! It's not okay Katherine , it's not !" She said , her voice muffled with her tears and cries.

She pulled away and looked at me, words caught up in my throat and I didn't know what i can do or say to erase her pain.

"You won't even attend my wedding." She said , her voice came low as if she just realized this now. She shook her head, "No , this can't be happening, there must be a way , there should be a way..", She hiccuped a sob , more tears falling , "Please , there must be a way.." her voice broke at the end , she placed her head in her hands.

I inched closer toward her, afraid i may break down as well. I never saw her like this. In this much pain, never.

She lifted her head and looked at me , i brought my hand up and tried to wipe her tears away , but as i did , more would fall and as a result more started to fall from mine.

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