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"It's already ten, what store is gonna be open?" Yoongi grumbled, hanging off of his brother's arm.

"We can go to a fast food place, they're all open late," Seungcheol suggested, hanging off of Hyuk's other arm.

"Let's just go somewhere so I can get you brats off me," the eldest complained, squirming as they walked.

"Let's go to MacDonald's, it's right around the corner." Seungcheol said, dragging the other two quickly.

When they were just getting into the MacDonald's car park, a large group of people came out of nowhere, entering the building.

"I swear to god if that's exo I'm gonna jump off a bridge," Hyuk huffed, starting to drag the two toward the building.

"All I wanted was food, not a bunch of bitches on my dick," Seungcheol scoffed, knowing it was definitely exo.

"Bitches on your dick?" Yoongi asked as they entered the fast food place.

"They're gonna hop on my di-"

"Look who it is!" Seungcheol was interrupted by the one and only-

"Sehun," Hyuk warned, not stoping to have a chat. The three went right to the counter so they could get their food and leave.

"You're no fun, Hyukkie," Sehun was suddenly back hugging the elder.

"One time Sehun, it was a one time thing," Hyuk tried to control himself, obviously wanting to throw the kid through a window.

"Then why did it happen twice, huh? Or maybe it was three times... I lost count," Sehun said dreamily, strolling around the annoyed guy.

Realization finally struck in Yoongi's mind, they fucked! He defiantly scarred himself with the mental image of his brother and the really attractive- the asshole- of a guy, Sehun.

Their food quickly came and they were leaving, Sehun still attached to Hyuk.

"Maybe I could do something to change your mind," Sehun started, moving his hand down Hyuk's sides.

"Maybe you could grow up and accept the fact that I'm done with you and your petty ass," Hyuk mocked Sehun's tone, slapping the younger boy's hands away.

"Fucking bitch," Sehun huffed, watching the three leave the building. He went back to his group, sitting in Chanyeol's lap, jutting out his bottom lip so he'd get some sympathy.

"My poor baby," Chanyeol's deep voice made Sehun feel so much smaller than his friend. The older boy placed an open mouthed kiss on Sehun's pouting lips, turning it into a smile.

sorry for being gone for so long
idk if anyone ships Chanyeol and Sehun but here u go lmao

k the next few chapters will be longer but do y'all want any smut? and if so of who???

k that's it bye lmao

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