Bonus Chapter // Reese Powers, Eat Your Heart Out

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I was probably going to die.

"Reese! I swear to god, where the fuck are you? Get your ass out here! I am going to shove a rusty shovel so far up your ass you're going to taste how much of a goddamn shit you are. Powers!"

I was definitely going to die.

Swallowing, I tried to level my breathing, the edge of a cardboard box digging painfully into my ribs as I tried to bury myself farther into Stella's closet. When I'd first heard her screech my name from downstairs, chills sprinting down my spine as it reverberated against the walls, quick thinking had me dashing behind closed doors. Now that I could clearly hear the murderous tick in her voice, getting closer and closer, I realized that I probably should've jumped out the window.

And that was going to be my fatal mistake.

At least it was good living while it lasted. I'd gotten accepted into a good university, I was the Super Smash Bros champion, and I even got to touch Stella Sandavol's boobs. Good times.

But now I was going to die.

Thick sweaters draped over my face, a wash of blacks, greys, and navy's- the only colours Stella ever seemed to wear- as I peeked through the tiny slit into her room. My breath caught in my throat as Stella stomped in, a flurry of dark hair, elephant stomps, and sailor curses. The edge of my mouth quirked up against my better judgement.

"Powers!" she growled again, pounding across to the other side of the room, hastily ducking to check under the bed. "Get out here so I can murder your stupid goddamn face!"

Involuntarily, I snorted, and then immediately clamped my hands over my offending mouth. As soon as the sound escaped my lips, sealing my fate forever, I saw her head instantly snap up. Her eyes narrowed, zeroed in on the closet, and I held my breath.

Maybe she didn't hear.


She definitely heard.

Helplessly, I watched as she jumped to her feet and stalked over to the closet, ripping open the double-doors with a King Kong strength that never ceased to amaze me. When her light eyes burned into me, that familiar Sandavol glare that had piqued my interest almost a year ago, all I could offer was a sheepish grin.

"Fancy meeting you here."

She glowered. "You."

I batted away the hanging fabric and smiled up at her, flashing her my most innocent dimples. "Your wonderful boyfriend, me, yes?"

Stella's brows furrowed, pale lips pressed into a thin line that seemed very disappointed with my entire existence. So, nothing really that new. Then she shoved her phone in my face, making haphazard pointing motions towards it. "What is this, Reese?"

I cocked my head. "Some handsome selfies your wonderful boyfriend took while you were in the bathroom."

Her gaze narrowed, and she pointed more forcefully to the screen. "And what's that- behind my stupid boyfriend? In the background? Can you see it? Can your stupid face see it?"

I paused, looked her directly in the eye, and shrugged. "Nope?"

She groaned, shaking the phone closer to my face with pursed lips. "Let me enlighten you, soggy twat-faced lump of moldy coleslaw. That's my underwear! And my bras! Very clearly seen in the background! That everyone has now seen! You shitter!"

I gently pushed the phone out of my face and looked up at her, blinking. "Can I get up? I feel like I wanna get up."

Her jaw clenched. "Delete them."

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