Chapter 14

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Piper's POV

After Jasmine fell asleep, I snuck out of the bed. Writing a note really quick, I stuck it on her phone which was on her nightstand and grabbed her keys.

The note read:

Don't worry about me, I'll be back.

Walking out of the room, I looked in the living room. Not seeing anyone, I continued to walk through the house to the door. Once I reached the door, I put my hand on the knob. Slowly turning the knob, it clicked and squeaked open.

"Piper!" Zane said.

Looking back, I quickly pulled the door closed but quiet enough I wouldn't wake Jasmine. Running to Jasmine's car, I heard Zane running after me. If I stop, he will make me go back to bed. I have to keep running.

"Piper, where are you going???" Zane yelled to me.

"Shit." I mumbled and unlocked the car using the button on the key fob.

Reaching the car, I quickly got in and locked the doors. Starting the car, Zane tried opening the door. Zane quickly realized I wasn't going to open it and suddenly went in front of the car.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

Sighing, I put the window down a crack so he could hear me.

"I'm leaving, I'll be back. Don't follow me." I said and backed up.

Driving past him, I got onto the road. Looking in the mirror, I saw him running back into the house. Shit, he is going to tell Jasmine. Speeding up, I drove to my old pack.

Jasmine's scent became fainter and fainter and I hated the feeling although I had to go for several reasons.

Piper, where are you!?!?

Jasmine is awake now.... trying to block her out of my mind, I couldn't.

Piper, please reply.

Jasmine, I'm fine. Don't come after me. Trust me, I just need to go away for a while.

Piper, come back. We can go where ever you are going together.

Sorry Jasmine, I planned on sneaking out but Zane ruined it. I put a note on your phone, letting you know I'm fine.

Piper, please.

I love you, Jazzy.


Blocking her out, I focused on my driving. I felt bad for leaving her but if Zane wouldn't have screwed it all up, everything would be just peachy right now.


Reaching my pack, it was still dark. I parked far away in the parking lot that is used for the lake. I locked the car. Getting out of the car, I continued with caution knowing Nicolas couldn't have taken all of his men. Looking around the boundaries, I saw two men on one side and two on the other. How am I possibly supposed to sneak past all four of them?

Knowing I couldn't do it until they switch shifts or take a break, I walked into the woods.

Thinking of a plan, I wondered how I was supposed to sneak past all the people who probably hate me by now. I know Luna will be happy when I get her because she hates Sadie. Sadie doesn't pay any attention to her and favors her own children more. I decided on waiting until morning. Knowing if I slept in the car, Jasmine would find me and take me back home. Walking to a tall tree, a large bush was right beside it. Getting into the bush, I'm so thankful it isn't sharp.

Breathing in the forest air, I laid my back against the tree. Jasmine would help me with getting Luna back from my old pack, but I need to be alone and think for a while. At first, I felt relieved Nicolas was gone but then I thought how many of my old friends had died in the battle. I had to get away and think. Luna life isn't for me. I can't help lead a pack when I can't even get my thoughts together.

Breathing in a large breath, the scent of pumpkin kicked me in the face. No, she can't come get me... I need my time. Listening in my mind, Jasmine wasn't talking to me. I had to move otherwise Jasmine will find me by my scent because if I can smell pumpkin she can definitely smell me.

Getting up, I listened for any footsteps. Hearing nothing, I started on my way.

After walking for a while, I gave up and sat beside a tree. She probably already found the car since it is the only one in the parking lot.

I could feel my eyes drooping and gave in. Closing my eyes, I fell asleep.

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