Beliefs- Round 4

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This my entry for round 4. Science fantasy with sub genre- dystopian. Pics used- 4,5, and 7. Story starter- 6.  Word count 2,307

"I had never seen one before. Like they say, there is a first time for everything." Lyan came closer, staring at the thing; a demon. It really wasn't that horrific, rather more cute. Furry. It didn't blink, speak, or move. The head just floated over her father's hand.

"It's a demon, Lyan," Zylin said, watching his youngest daughter carefully. "The heathens on the dark side had sent it."

"Why?" Lyan questioned, trying to see beyond the green eyes and into it's soul. Though it was useless, the thing was empty of life.

"To test us and our beliefs."

"But the old Gods no longer have power." Lyan looked at her father, "We defeated them, didn't we?"

Zylin's eyes softened, what he was about to tell her could ruin everything. Their bond, the trust she had in him and the Tryians; the leaders of their people.

"With our technology, we were finally able to rise above the Gods." He rose the demon towards the arched ceiling, before wielding his power to send it back to where it belonged. "But, Lyan, Gods are filled with energy. And that source could never be destroyed, just transformed. We have been able to capture that energy- it powers our machines." He had no doubt the hurt that reflected on his daughter's face mirrored his own, but he had to continue. "The Gods were never destroyed, not in the way we wanted you to believe. Also, Lyan, our race was not born on this planet."

"Why are you telling me this, Zylin?" Lyan asked coldly, shunning her father by calling him by his name.

"Because, daughter, you are the one I trust. And... you have the gift," he said while walking over to the glass wall, taking in the city. Glowing lights illuminated tall buildings, created out of diamonds; the reason they had come here in the first place."You also have the ability to manipulate the energy."


"The heathens are growing stronger, Lyan," Jax said while he shot a demon they had found on patrol, pulling the energy from it into his gun which now glowed purple from the raw power.

"I know."

Lyan stared at the forest; a sea of black trees. It was said that they had grown from the fallen, and the leaves were crimson from the blood of the dead. It had happened because of the Gods. They were ruthless and power hungry, killing as they pleased and soaking the ground in blood. Or so she had been told. Now though, she wasn't so sure.

"What are you thinking?" Jax asked, coming up from behind her and placing his hand on her shoulder.

"We can't, Jax," Lyan said, pulling away from his touch. "I am to become a Tryian..."

"How do you know?"

She saw the crushed look on his face. Sure they had flirted occasionally, but it had never gone further than that. Everyone had grown up knowing the rules- you never get involved with anyone. The elders ruled; they chose who would rise up and who would not. It depended on your rank on who you would end up with. And a Tryain was the highest ranking there was; considered to be an honor and privilege. However, it also meant they were off limits. Sometimes they married each other, but mostly, they ended up living a life alone.

"Zylin told me..."

"Your father?" Jax brought his hand up to her face. "Lylan, I love you, and always will. It doesn't matter what the others say, or the fucking rules. It's about time someone shook things up," he said, staring into her eyes.

"Don't be so goddam stupid, Jax," Lylan scolded while removing his hand. "That kind of talk will get you killed. You'll marry someone else, love her, and have a family. It's what you wanted; what you deserve. You're a good man, Jax. You shouldn't waste away like the rest of them."

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