Tour's Beginning

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   Taking a turn down the upper west wing hallway of the house, the pair stopped at the fourth door. All the doors in the hall were wooden and painted black, while the floor was covered with black wooden floorboards. The walls had white backgrounds and displayed scenes of pegai in the night sky. Chandeliers, with ocean blue crystals, hung from the ceiling and illuminated the dark and colorful hallways.

Opening the door, Edgar stepped aside and permitted (f/n) to enter. Mahogany floorboards covered the ground of the room, while large black paned windows, opposite the door, allowed natural light into the space. Black and maroon curtains, with diamond patterns, covered dark purple chiffon curtains, which blocked some of the natural light. Lights, in the hues of the rainbow, were strung across the black ceiling's perimeter but were turned off for the moment. Dark purple walls complimented the space, as a mahogany bed, with maroon and black sheets and pillows, rested to the right of the door. A mirror, with a criss-cross pattern, acted as the headboard for the bed.

A mahogany dresser, to the left of the door, mahogany nightstands, at each side of the bed, and mahogany shelves added more character to the room. To top this, brown teddy bears, with maroon and black ribbons, dominated the shelves. Lastly, there was a black wooden door to the left of the room's main door, which most likely led to a bathroom.

"This room is awesome," (f/n) commented, as she walked further into the area. "Do I really get to stay in this room, Edgar?"

Coming into the room himself, he glanced around, as though he wasn't expecting this room to be in his house. "Hmm, I suppose. It is a pretty great room, though," he stated, while he tapped right index finger against his lips. "You know there's a special quality to this room. Do you want to hear what it is?"

"Sure," she answered, going over to the one of the shelves and picking up one of the many teddy bears.

Since she was focused on the stuffed animal, he was able to sneak up behind her and place his lips next to her left ear. "It's my room, and I'd be happy to have you stay in here."

Immediately, she dropped the bear, as she froze in place. She wasn't expecting that response. This was his room?! Peering over her left shoulder slightly, she saw how close he was to her. Thus, she backed up a little to create some distance between them. "I thought you were going to show me my room, not yours. Unless..."

Standing to his full height, he smirked before a light chuckle left his lips. An amused gleam shone in his visible emerald green eye before he replied, "I did mean to present your room to you. It looks like I mixed up the doors, though. Sorry for my mistake, do forgive me, (f/n)."

"You can apologize by just taking me to my room," she responded, going over to the fallen teddy bear and picking it back up. She set it back on the shelf before she walked past the male. Afterwards, she waited for him in the hall. Rather than following her, he turned on his heel and faced her with his typical neutral countenance.

"You know maybe I should just have you stay in here. It would be quite convenient. I wouldn't have to have someone wake you up in the morning. You could just get up when I awake. Likewise, you can assist me with my morning routine. Yes, that would be quite helpful," he uttered, acting completely serious about the possibility.
"Adding to that, you could even aid me in getting a shower at night. Sounds like a grand proposition, doesn't it? What do you think (f/n)?"

Replying with a blank stare, she just shook her head and turned her back to him. She proceeded to walk away, leaving him to his own devices in his room. Granted, she also needed to turn around, since she could feel the heat beginning to rise to her cheeks. Honestly, why did he have to put such images in her head? Already, she blushed enough around him. He just had to add that picture to the mix, didn't he?

With (f/n) out of his sight, he lips upturned into a small grin. He could tell that she was trying to mask her embarrassment. From the moment those words left his mouth, he could see her hands slightly tremble a little bit. Most likely, she wanted to cover her face, but she managed to stand there for a few seconds before walking away. Still, he wouldn't let her build a shield to him. Besides, he already had her in his hold. She had feelings for him, and they would often show themselves in her actions.

Exiting his room, he closed the door before hearing approaching footsteps from his left. He turned his head accordingly and peered down the east wing hallway. There he saw one of the house's maids rushing towards him. Thus, he fully turned his attention that way and waited for her to reach him. By now (f/n) was facing the maid as well, and she now stood a little bit behind Edgar.

Concerning the maid, her black curls bounced up and down with her hurried movement. A black button-up, black pants and matching black shoes covered her form. Wide light brown eyes appeared to be on the verge of tears, as she nearly collided into Edgar. She stopped herself, however, before such a thing occurred. Thus, with only a foot between them, she announced in a shaky voice, "Sir Delanas, I just wanted to tell you that your afternoon snack is ready."

"Why are you crying?" he inquired, raising an eyebrow at her.

"I burned my right index finger on a pan in the kitchen."

"I see, but why were you coming from the upper east wing, then? You know my room and office are on this side of the house. So, even if you were looking for me, you wouldn't be on that side of the house. What were you doing, Beatrice? And don't tell me that my brother required an afternoon snack. You know he likes his dessert after dinner."

"Umm ... well I ... was...," she stuttered, as she attempted to come up with some answer.

Edgar could tell, however, that she was just looking for some feasible lie. Sighing, he asked, "Were you trying to get my brother to give you a higher ranking position again, so you could be closer to him?" He paused to give her some time to answer, but when she was about to utter an answer, he interrupted her. "It doesn't matter. Right now, you're trying to tempt me into talking to my brother, so I can convince him to get you a higher job. Your looks won't win me over, Beatrice, nor will your fake tears. So, stop pretending to have injured yourself. I can clearly see that you're finger is fine. Likewise, if you want to get close to my brother, just show him that you're capable of excellent work. Now, is there anything else?"

"Umm ...," she began, casting a curious glance towards (f/n). She didn't say anything about the new female in the house, though. Instead, she replied to Edgar, "No, and I apology for my behavior. I'll take your advice and my leave." With that, she turned around and headed back downstairs.

Once Beatrice was gone, Edgar faced (f/n) and noticed her baffled expression. "Is something wrong? You're staring at the area where the maid was at, as though you had never seen one before."

Looking up at the male, she voiced, "Well, for one I have never seen a maid before, since I didn't have the money to afford one. Technically, I still don't, since she works for you. Anyway, I'm just amazed at her behavior. Do the workers here often try to sway your brother and you with such tactics? I mean that was very forward of her; she nearly pounced on you."

"Oh? Are you perhaps jealous, (f/n)?" Edgar teased, bearing a smirk on his lips once more. In all honesty, Edgar hoped that was the case. He desired to produce such reactions from his lovely muse. To know that she was protective of him was rather cute. Of course, he didn't need someone watching over him carefully, but the idea that his beloved would do so appealed to him. Still, if anyone had to be watchful, it had to be him. Edgar couldn't let his delicate flower fall into another's hands.

Dashes of heat rising slightly to her cheeks, she muttered, "No, I'm just saying her actions were unexpected. I thought the workers here would be more formal around you."

"Ah, I understand now," he mumbled, but his words were still audible to (f/n).

Puzzled by this, she questioned, "You do? You're actually not going to tease..."

Cutting her off, he continued, "You want to be the only one who has an informal relationship with me. The other workers here can't break past being a mere worker, but you think you can or rather you want to. Since you're my personal assistant, you think you're above the other workers here."

Surprised by this response, she became rather inflamed and shouted, "I don't that! You're the one who told me to act like I did when we were at the store. Moreover, you're the one who was implying for me to take a shower with you at night. You're the one who's asking for informal behavior between us. So, if you actually want a business like relationship between us, then say so already."

At this his visible green eye softened somewhat, and he spoke softly, "Ah, perhaps I took it too far this time. I apologize. Now, why don't we go get an afternoon snack and show you your room afterwards?"

"Fine," she answered, though, there was something she didn't like about his tone. It felt like he was talking down to her somewhat, and it unnerved her.    

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