☾hapter two- First day ,First Nightmare.

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"Selena" a dark voice purrs in the woods causing me to turn.

My heart quickens as shadows move quickly amongst the trees coming from all directions as cold air breathes out of my mouth rapidly in smoke.

The fear of death clings to me in a promise as I see a paw of something coming out of the shadows.

'Never going to give you up,

Never going to let you down'

I wake up in a jump looking around to see I am still in bed the curtians still closed.

Just a nightmare I tell myself steading my breathing when I turn towards the song.

I mentally roll my eyes and throw a pillow at the alarm clock. I am going to kill my dad for setting Rick Astley as my alarm song.

He practically ricked-rolled me!

Now don't get me wrong I am one of the people in this generation who love this song. However, my dad always takes the mickey out of me for it.

I rub my face picking up my phone only for me to shoot out of bed as I realize it is already 7.50am.


I quickly run into the shower only getting a 20 minute shower before brushing my teeth then rushing out cursing at myself as I almost slip on the towel below.

"Never gonna give you up" I sing going to my wardrobe hopping around on one foot to avoid slipping on the towel again.

Don't judge me for singing it.

It's catchy.

I get changed into a grey jumper tucking it into denim shorts finally happy to be able to wear them without freezing my legs off.

Because the climate was hotter here I bought a new wardrobe my excitement to be able to wear what I want puts me in a good mood despite the late start.

I brush through my long brown hair and quickly dry it with a towel leaving it wavy only to frown at the dampness left at the ends.

Why didn't I wake up sooner?

I apply a little bit of mascara and eyeliner which always makes my blue eyes pop, well that's the effect the YouTuber said.

I had no time to do anything else so I grab my new skull backpack and run downstairs to find a note left on the kitchen counter.

'Good luck Selena! Text me at break so I know you have got on alright! There is money on the side for a hot dinner we will have to get takeout tonight but I promise to go shopping the weekend'

I smile at the note folding it up nicely and placing it in my bag to place in my memory box later.

A habit I have had since I was little keeping everything in a memory box.

I have things in there going back forever.

The need to keep memories comes from having nothing of my mother's the fear of losing people makes me cling to any memories that I can grab.

It makes me sad that dad doesn't share anything of mums but sometimes I hear him crying over one of the few pictures he does have of hers so I don't push.

I look in the cupboard for breakfast to find a tin of pineapple.


I grab the tin opener and start to eat the pineapple.

Pineapple is my favorite food ever I absolutely love it so dad always stock up even though he cringes every time I order it on pizza.

Luna of Moonlight ☾ (Under editing)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu