Chapter Two: Last Night

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11:39 am, Briefing Room

"What do we do next?" Derek asked, "Any ideas, Hotch?"

Hotch was silent for a moment, thinking, "We should question Reid's neighbors.  One of them could have seen or heard something.  Also, let's find out if the building has security cameras."  The team silently nodded in agreement.

"Morgan and Prentiss, you ask tenants on the floor below his apartment.  JJ, you and I will question those on his floor.  Dave, you get in contact with security or the owners of the building.  Request access to indoor and outdoor cameras, if any.  It's only a two story building so we should finish fairly quickly."

The team exited the room, Hotch remained in his place.

"You coming?" JJ broke his train of thought.  He blinked quickly to remove the cobwebs from his mind, "Yes, let me grab my credentials from my office."

"I'll meet you outside," she smiled and withdrew herself from the room.  After gathering the things he needed from his office, he made his way outside.  JJ was the only one there.  She leaned against the passenger door of one of their signature black SUVs.  "Where is everyone?" he questioned.

"They left.  Wanted to get there as fast as they could."

He nodded knowingly.  Spencer was the little brother of the pack.  Although, he was more son-like to Rossi and Hotch.

"All right.  Let's catch up with them," he walked around to the other side of the car and pulled open the driver's side door.  He climbed in and turned it on.  After waiting for both of them to be buckled, he pulled out of the area and they were soon on their way.

12:03 pm, Apartment Building

Knock.  Knock. "Hello, who are you?" a middle-aged man answered the door.  Hotch and JJ held up their badges.

"FBI, may we ask you a few questions?" JJ replied.

The man nodded nervously, "Y-yes.  Please come in."  He pulled back from the door to give them enough space to enter.  "Thank you, sir," JJ smiled and followed Hotch inside.

"Would you like anything to drink?  Water?  Coffee?" the man offered.

"No.  This will only take a minute," Hotch stated.

"O-okay," the man stuttered as he led them to a pair of sofas that faced each other.  The TV was on, but there was no noise. It silently played the midday news.

"Please.  Sit down," he said as he sat on the couch facing the two agents.  They complied and sat.  "Can we have your name please?" JJ asked.

"My name is Jeff," he hesitated, "Davies."

Hotch made a mental note of his nervousness.

"Where were you this morning, around 3 am?" he inquired, not missing the fear and recognition that passed through the man's features.  "In my bed. Sleeping.  That's what people are usually doing at 3 am," he answered a little too quickly.

"Have you ever been acquainted with Spencer Reid?"  The man paled.  "H-he's a nice kid," he started, visibly trying to calm his nerves.  "He lives in the flat down the hall.  Why?"

"He was kidnapped about 9 hours ago," Hotch stated grimly.  "Dear god..." the man muttered.

"Did you hear anything last night or this morning?" JJ interrupted his thoughts.  Jeff seemed lost in thought.  "No," he said after a few seconds, "I was asleep."  He stood, "I need a drink, hold on."

He returned quickly with a glass of water.  He took a sip as he sat down. "I just remembered.  There are some college kids who live here, always stay up until around four in the morning."  JJ and Hotch shared a look.

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