Chapter 19

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"You little," but I was cut off. Aunt Sue was already out of her chair and barreling towards Anthony yelling like all hell had broken lose. I blinked and she was suddenly being forced back down by the police escorts. Anthony smirked, clearly amused by the whole scenario and I glared at him. How dare he find amusement from this. Aunt Sue's breathing calmed and the man in the suit proceeded but not before I cut him off.

"How? Why? Why confess?" I shook my head, none of this made sense. Why would he go through the trouble of making the site, framing Calum and then coming clean on the first question? It didn't make sense to me and judging by the taken back looks of the officials in the room, they didn't seem to understand either. 

"Ms. Miller, questions until the end, as I told you," he reminded me firmly. But I shook my head again.

"No. Now. I want to know."

"Ms. Miller we have a very strict way of doing these," he began, "We are the professionals, not you sweetie."

I looked away from the suit man and back at Anthony. He was enjoying this even more now. He ran his tongue along his lower lip, pausing where a lip ring once sat and smirked. I glared as he repositioned himself and leaned into the table.

"If I may interrupt," he slyly interfered, "I have answers for the girl."

The way he said 'the girl' sent shivers up my spine and I felt myself cave back in as if it cover up from his taunting gaze. His eyes met mine again and I could feel him pushing into my head, reading my thoughts. I shifted uncomfortably, trying to shake the feeling that he could read me so easily. He sat back and sighed, clearly enjoying everything even more now. As he let out a slight chuckle, the guard behind him thudded his head and his smile faultered for a second before slowly creeping back. 

The man looked at me and then back to Anthony. 

"You're not going to get it out of me again," he teased.

"I highly doubt that son. I can make you talk whenever I want."

Anthony shook his head. 

I raised an eyebrow, waiting for the decision, "If I may say so myself, I would like to hear it, you know... Since it's my problem." Aunt Sue gave me a look as if to say 'stop being sassy' but I just shrugged, I wanted the truth and I wanted it now. 

The man stepped back and motioned for Anthony to start talking again. 

"Now that I think about it," he started, biting his lip, still looking at me, "I don't really want to tell you." I stood up and slammed my hands down on the table. Hot tears burned at the back of my eyes but I refused to let them free. He jumped back slightly as if he didn't know I could come on so strong.

"You listen here, you tell me right now or so help me god," I started.

"What, what will you do?" He mocked back, "Get me arrested? It's too late for that sweetheart."

I dagger eyed him and slammed closed fists on the table again, "I can get you-"

"Okay that's enough," an officer announced, "You asked she be present and here she is, if you don't talk, we're extending your detainment."

Anthony's eyes widened for a second and I caught his guard come down. He quickly built his wall back up but I used it to my advantage.

"I think that would be wise," I said to the officer, nodding my head.

"Fine, okay, fine." He finally broke.

I wiped my eyes with my sleeve and sat back down and clasped my hands in front of me. 

If I Really Knew You || Calum Hood (completed)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ