Chapter 5 | A Barren Rift

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That night, Aris didn't sleep well. She tossed and turned, and when she finally did go to sleep, she dreamed of the rift and what it might hold. Would it be a creepy castle surrounded by cave walls or an abandoned plain that hadn't housed anyone for centuries?

    Finally, she couldn't take it, and Aris flung off her covers, sitting up and rubbing her eyes. She took a deep, tired breath and stood. Gazing around in the darkness made a small part of her feel like she was being watched. Her imagination played tricks on her by creating shapes in the blackness.

There's no one there, she told herself, annoyed.

It didn't work completely, but it helped in some small way.

After flinging her robe on, Aris felt her way towards the door, where she switched her light on. Oh, it was good to be able to see again.

Hoping a midnight snack would help, Aris stepped out of her bedroom and blinked in surprise when seeing the light on. Kendra Waverly sat at the table, steaming cup of cocoa between her brown hands, eyes staring unseeingly at the table. Aris peered at her mother in suspicious curiosity, but her rumbling stomach brought her back to the situation. So, taking her eyes from the women, she made her way to the fridge, where she rummaged around the food. Her eyes lit up on the leftover pizza from a few hours earlier, and she snatched it up as if someone else was going to. Straightening, Aris shut the door and plopped down on a chair across from her mother; she wasn't in the mood to heat up the food.

"So..." she said, cracking open the container. She took the pizza within and bit into it.

Kendra's eyes snapped to her daughter's. She took a deep breath and leaned back in her chair. The woman took a sip of her hot chocolate.

"You 'kay?" Aris asked, eating more.

"What's his name?" Kendra responded.

Aris's eyebrows furrowed. "Whose?"

"That man who visited you. After you came through the entrance."

As if on cue, Aris's muscles tensed. She said, "I don't know."

Kendra sighed. "Teddy... he visited me."

Aris stared at her mother, not sure if she had heard correctly. "Wait, you mean... he visited you? How do you know it was him?"

"If you want me to describe him, I can't. He just stood in the shadows the whole time. But the way he talked..." Kendra's face contorted into one that looked of pain.

"Yeah," Aris sighed, bringing up her legs in a crossed position on the seat. "That's him."

"He knew everything; he could perfectly describe how I feel about... this." Kendra motioned around the house, but Aris knew she meant the other worlds. And her daughter traveling to them. "How did he...?"

"I don't know," Aris said. "He did it with me, too, when he talked to me after the entrance. But what did he say to you? Other than... the first part."

Kendra leaned her left elbow on the armrest, rubbing her eyes. 

"He..." she looked up to her daughter, "convinced me to let you go."

Aris stared at her as if she grew two heads. "You mean to the other world?"

"Yes. And you're leaving tonight." Kendra stood and quietly pushed her chair back under the table.

"Wait, what?" Aris's pizza was all but forgotten as she, too, got to her feet. "Leave tonight? How did he convince you? What did he say?"

"Aris, go pack. Clothes, weapons, medical supplies. I'll get food from the kitchen."

Finding the Rift (The Traveling Rifts Trilogy: Book One)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin