Back Seat

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   Eric was driving home from a party at one of his friend's house. It was 3:00 in the morning and he was driving on a backroad in the country. Eric yawned as he drove  through the night. Thinking back to the party made him smile. All the dancing kids, games, etc. He loved being with his friends.
   Eric reached over to turn on his radio, only to hear static. "Crap," he said to himself. He just shrugged and pulled out his phone, playing music from there. Thump! Eric quickly looked up from his phone and stopped the car. He opened his car door, thinking he might've hit something.
   He walked out onto the road, looking around. Nothing. Eric scrunched his eyebrows together, confused. He eventually just shrugged and walked back to his car. He plopped into the front seat and shut the door. Eric reached up to fix his mirror, only to see the reflection of a middle aged man sitting in the back seat, grinning back at him.
Eric whipped around to hit the man but when he turned around, nobody was there. Eric slowly turned back to the wheel, highly alert. He sighed, thinking that it was just his imagination. Eric went to turn the key in the ignition, only the key was no longer there. He remembered dropping it outside when he was looking for the figure he "hit".
So, Eric went to open his door but he suddenly stopped when he saw the same man outside his window. Eric quickly locked the door, but paled once he realized the situation he was in.
The man was smiling and dangling Eric's car keys in front of him. Then breaking into a crazed laughter.

This story wasn't the best😬 It was rushed. Sorry, I'll try to take the time to make them better. Also, I'm low on characters! Comment your name and I'll write a story about you!

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