1.0 - Who is she?

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Emily woke up to sunshine beaming down her face. She looked over to the other side of the bed. Gone, as always. Men always leave her once they got what they wanted: her body.

She was a voluptuous woman with big breasts, small waist and wide hips. Men and women stare whenever she glides down the busy streets of New York City. She had a natural way of swaying her hips at every movement. Her quiet elegance stood her out from the crowd and it didn't hurt to have such prominent feminine features.

Her voice flowed melodically. When she spoke, it had a slight husk to it, which often gave men young and old little chubs. When she laughed, the whole world stared back at her because it was just so fucking magical. She could seduce people with just her voice. Really, she could.

Emily straightened herself up. Men are stupid, she thought. But it seemed like the only men she could attract were two timing little shits. But, oh man, these little shits had a fuck load of charm and Emily, beautiful as she is, was naive. She was ignorant of how sexy she looked to others and never thought people would take advantage of her.

Not this time, Emily thought. I'm not letting them take away my body and my dignity.

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