1.1 - Who is that creep?

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Emily lived in a modern luxury penthouse in New York City. Her wall was a huge glass window providing the view of the beautiful Central Park. She would get up every morning at six at the dot to freshen up and do some squats to tighten her buttock muscles. Then, Emily would head outside for a quick jog in the park before going to work.

Emily wore a sports bra and elastic shorts with her jogging shoes.  She was aware of how well-endowed she was, but a sports bra truly was the only way she could feel comfortable jogging in. Unfortunately, the city she loved was filled with perverted men. 

"Damn mami," one guy said, wolf-whistling as she jogged around the park. She ignored him and continued jogging. But the creepy man kept following her. 

He said creepy things like "How you doing, hmm..." and "My house ain't too far from here, if you know what I mean boo". Emily turned around and retorted, "Quit following me. Don't you have anything better to do?"

The guy stroked his mutton chops and thrusted his groin out. "I'd rather do you baby."

Emily started to run faster and faster but the creep was too fast for her. He pulled her to him and smushed her body against his. Emily struggled to breathe. 

"Listen baby, I'm not having a good day. My wife just left me for the gardener, who isn't even of age by the way, and I need sex. And when I need sex, I get frustrated and angry. And baby, you don't want to see me angry."

Emily started praying, even though she wasn't a religious person. She was going to need all the help she can get at this moment. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2016 ⏰

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