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I shot up in bed. I looked around. I was... in my own room?

"Morning" Lauren said  making me jump.

"You!" I said pointing at her. She held an paper up.

Which read. 'Shhh she's watching' I frown.

"How did you sleep?" She asked.

"Where the fuck am I and who the fuck are you. You're not the Lauren I remember"

Lauren looked at her watch an peeping sound was heard.

"Y/n I'm so sorry. This shouldn't had to happen" she moved an hand through her hair.

"Wtf are you talking about"

"I-i had to take you she has my mom. And she threatens to kill her if I didn't bring you here. I'm so sorry" I looked at her then I hit her square on the face and again and again.

"You bitch" she grabbed my hands and forced me down on the bed.

"Y/n! Listen to me! I love you. I want you safe. But right now you have to keep quiet please trust me"

"Did you kill Khelani" she shook her head.

"No I didn't she did she also broke the car of tori. She was behind everything she just wanted me to stay close. But seeing you again brought memories. I couldn't help but kiss you. She did not like it one bit she beat my mom. Please y/n trust me on this" I looked at her and she had an desperate look.

"Who is it?"

"It's-" she was interupted but her watch making an sound. She got off me. Fast.

"Take this eat it" her eyes looked at the plate then me then she turned around and exit the door locks were heard.

Looking up I saw an camera it was positioned towards me.
I grabbed the bread and there was an note on the tray.

'When the clock hits 12 pretend your chocking. She'll sent me to you for medical care when your done eating put this in the water after you drank it will vanish.'

I sighed. Who the fuck is this person Lauren is talking about. Is Lauren messing with me?. Something tells me she is not.

After an while I started worrying I looked around the room it looked just like mine. But this room didn't have an window.

Whoever this person is. Is one heck of an stalker.


Omg I hope she's okay. I looked at the clock over two minutes it 12 I laid down.

Time to get my acting skills on point. I took deep breaths then started coughing I took shorts breath as in I can't breath. I moved my hens to my chest slapping it. I kept coughing and coughing for dramatic effect I started shaking.

The door opened and in walked Lauren. She picked me up with ease and brought me out of the door and to what looks like an medical.

There were ventilation machines. Which we're making loud sounds.

"Good job she almost freaked out" Lauren pushed on me chest.

"How is cara?" I asked.

"Idk. Y/n I'm sorry this shouldn't have happened. I didn't know she was that crazy."

"Lauren what the fuck is happening" I asked.

"Wait" Lauren looked at her watch. Steam formed in the room.

"Y/n look your life is in danger. I put your life in danger. I'm so sorry I just wanted my mom back. She used her against me. I had to take you and bring you to her in exchange for my mom."

"So you're giving me away?" I'm so gonna die.

"No I got an plan but you have to wait" she said.

"What about my parents? Who is this person?"

"We don't have Time your parents are fine" Lauren said.

"Was everything an act? What about that girl at the party?" She looked at me.

"Of course not. Nothing was fake other then the part where I said you're mine and mine only and about me having anger issues I just get stressed easily. I want you to be mine but I'm no psycho like that bitch I would never hurt you y/n. And the girl was in the plan" the fog cleared.

"I'll get you back to your room. tomorrow morning I'll see you again. Get an goodnight sleep you'll need the energy"

After Lauren brought me back to my room I broke down crying.

Who would do this to me, who would hurt me like this all those questions I couldn't answer. Did lauren come here just to get her mom back. Wouldn't she have done it if nothing of this happened why didn't she tell her dad. Why didn't she call the police what's with my parents. Are they worried? Again questions I can't answer

The next morning I woke up with an headache I had to much thinking last night

The door opened. I was relieved that Lauren came but when I saw who was at the door my heart stopped

"Hello gorgeous missed me?"


Who did not see that one coming?!  I sure as hell didn't.

mommies Lauren/you norminah/you (completed)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora