2: The Reason I Knew (Part II)

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Part II : Getting Distracted

"Move faster you slow inconsiderate low-life! I have important issues to attend to!" I demanded, completely focused on one thing, and one thing only.


"S-sir... I'm truly sorry, but you only gave me 2 pence... This is the only way I will travel with this kind of payment!"

"Payment? This is not payment. You do not work for me! Do you think my wallet will succumb yo your nonsense? Go do your job and drive! Now GO!"

I had to admit I was being exceptionally harsh.

"We are here.." The driver paled, as I took a single pence from his satchel.

"This is reduced from your paycheck, that you wanted to badly."

The driver exceeded my expectations on how inhumane and dysfunctional one person can be. The man evaporated into air, his conscious questioning his sanity ever since I encountered him. He truly wanted to die. I could grant his wish, but I held mercy, because he has left me a perfect transport system to arrive back at the Empire House.

"I'm borrowing your source of income, you shall be sparred due to my savings today."

The man became a mere puddle on the ground. Poor ground. It had to deal with his stench of unreasonable pricing and an undesirable urge to stop existing.

"Just... just go. And never talk to me ever again." The puddle said hoarsely.

"I should be saying that to you." At that line, I walked firmly away.

I come across the sight of Karim, hiding indignantly in the bushes. To be quite honest, his beard made his mountain of a figure blend in even more.

"Sahib, what are you doing here?" He spoke quite quickly. Too quickly.

"Say, what's behind your back?" I move slightly, peering over the tall reeds of grass.

"Bodies. 5! Why would five of these men would waste their time to court that ifrit! It is surely evident what her answer will be."

"You do occasionally order me to supervise her household , ahem her, but I don't see why this is necessary!"

'Waste their time' for some particular reason, made my teeth clench.

"Adequate reply. Let's move on." I replied firmly, Karim clearly caught my tone, although he was quite confused on my sudden change of voice.

I sat down behind the bushes, admiring the peasants galloping for a romantic pursuit, with the ifrit. The devil.

Then, a very particular persona arrived. Which I was completely unhappy with.
Memories rushed into my head like a wave. That foreign land. The foreign feeling. Egypt. It reminds me of that night. That lustful night. When that blasted man planted his lips on her hand, when we went into the filthy lounge, when I yelled at her. I yelled completely out of anger. And jealousy.
The memories are replayed. Over and over again. When that lecture transitioned into a completely different universe.

If only that night had continu-

No! I, Rikkard Ambrose, the richest man in England, will not succumb to that lowly female!

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