Wander and Found

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Title: Wander and Found

Author: LaviniaLeigh

Heat Level: Sweet

Subgenre: Contemporary Romance

Blurb: Love can make you do stupid things, so can anger; that's how Meredith found herself in a pair of hiking boots walking from France all the way to Spain. Fortunately, she picked up a little more than piece of mind along the way.

 Fortunately, she picked up a little more than piece of mind along the way

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The first step was easier than I thought it would be.

The Camino De Santiago, the way of Saint James, was now my way, my chance at redemption. As the world around me had crumbled, making me doubt my existence, the idea that I could do something as meaningful as a pilgrimage from France to Spain was the one thing that had given me a sense of purpose to move on.

The second step was easier.

I shifted under the weight of my backpack, unused to carrying everything that I needed for the next 5 weeks with me. It had all barely fit. Normally I would have needed two suitcases just for a weekend. To say that no one believed I would actually go through with this adventure was an understatement, but I needed to do something to prove that I wasn't just makeup, hair, and Jimmy Choo stilettos. The red hiking books tied tightly on my feet were like nothing I had worn before.

With the third step, I picked up my pace.

I was going to make it, I was determined, at least my mind was, I wasn't sure how my feet were going to hold up, though. I needed to make up for the mess that had been made out of my life. Something good had to come out of all this.

I was supposed to be my honeymoon. That is until the, once-love-of-my-life-turned-jerk, tore my dream of a happily ever after to shreds.

Just put one foot in front of the other, I said to myself, adjusting my backpack tighter around my waist and looked for the simple yellow arrows - the ones I was supposed to follow to keep direction. That's all I have to do.

The sun beat down on my face, determined to bring out my freckles

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The sun beat down on my face, determined to bring out my freckles. I didn't care. I wasn't going to try and be anything for anyone on this trip, not the arm candy he had expected me to be, not the reliable secretary at my father's firm, like a good girl, not even the pushover who was always working overtime to further someone else's career. I was going to be me, and that was that, and screw anyone who wanted me to be anything else! I hadn't even packed my makeup, something I hadn't gone without since I turned thirteen.

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