Chapter Thirty Seven

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I sit beside Jay in the hospital room. He is unconscious and looks so peaceful. Thankfully there are no injuries or anything that serious. He just needs some rest. Ashley occasionally has come in and visited but she's looking over the pack while I stay with Jay. I stare at him as he sleeps, he looks so peaceful and innocent as he sleeps. I let go of all my pain and angry towards Jay, but I will never forget, I may have forgiven him but that doesn't mean I will forget. I now understand the situation a little better and now we start over day by day. 

I am brought back when I hear Jay's groggy voice. "Emma?"

I stare into his eyes and smile softly. "Hey, Jay."

"Can I have some water?" Jay choked out. I nod and walk over to the sink and grabbed a plastic cup and filled it up with water. I walk back over to Jay and hand it over to his shaky hands. Jay chugs it down and hands me the cup back. I throw it away and return to my seat.

"How long have I been out?" He asks.

"A few hours." I say softly.

Jay nods and rubs his temples. "I don't remember what happened, I remember the pain that is it. I remember the challenge, why did you challenge me?" Jay asks angrily.

I grab a hold of his hand and tighten my grip. "I saved you, it was the only way. Your demon is gone, your going to be okay." 

Jay looks surprised at my words. "I feel lighter. I feel more happier. Couldn't have I killed you?" 

I nod slightly. "Yes, but I had to do it. For your sake and the packs."

Jay smiles at me. His smile makes butterflies erupt in my stomach. "You're going to be an amazing luna." Jay says with complete sincerity. "Also, I heard what you said before I passed out. Thank you."

I squeeze his hands. "It'll be hard, but I want this to work." 

Jay squeezes back and grins up at me. "It will, in time."


It's been four weeks since Jay has been in the hospital. I am proud to say that he has gone so far. Jay no longer is naive. He thinks things through now. He has made allies with quite a few packs. Jay freed the small group of prisoners who didn't deserve to be locked up. Jay has really come a far way in the past four weeks, he is more strong, more wise and kind. 

Our relationship has been moving along pretty slow but it's getting there. We have talked about many things about the future. Jay also has gotten really close with Ella, so close that she has just started to call him 'daddy'. I watch the two sometimes play in Ella's room late at night when she is supposed to be sleeping. I don't stop them, I watch them in awe. My mate and my daughter, it's all I need.

     "Emma, I need to talk to you." Jay says as I hand him his plate of food. 

"What's up?" I asked as I plopped down on his small love-seat.

"I think we are ready to announce you as luna." Jay says as he takes a bite of his sandwich.

I am a little stunned at his sudden words. Jay and I have no discussed anything about the luna position since that day in the hospital. "Are you sure?" I ask.

Jay smirks at me and places the sandwich down. "I am more than sure.

"When?" I ask nervously.


    Ashley and Ella are in the room with me as we try to find the perfect shoes to go with my short white dress. My dress is very simple yet elegant. My sleeves are lace and stop at my wrist. The dress has a cute bow in the back. The material is silky and very soft. 

Suddenly, Ashley squeals and holds up a pair of white flats with small bows on the back. I nod excitedly and sip them on. My hair is pin straight and is complimented with a white bow in the back. I wear no makeup besides some mascara. 

"You look gorgeous." Ashley murmured as she stares at me in awe.

"Yes! Mommy you're so pretty." Ella says as she yanks on my dress.

I giggle at her and lift her tiny frame into my arms. Ella is wearing a dress that is very similar to mine. Her hair is in a bun with a bow in the front. What can I say, I love bows.

"It's time." Ashley says as she extends her arm out for me to take. It's tradition for the former luna to escort the new luna out to the ceremony.

We walk to the ceremony where Jay is waiting along with the entire pack. Jay wears no shirt and a pair of black jeans that hang dangerously low on his hips. The alpha never dresses formerly since it's not his celebration.

Jay's mouth is slightly ajar as he stares at me. I walk over to him after I hand Ella to Ashley. 

"You look gorgeous." Jay murmurs as he leads me onto the stage.

"Today we gather here for the announcement of your new luna. Emma Grace Lyncaster, do you accept the luna position?" Jay asks. I can feel everyone's gaze on me. I have fallen in love with this pack. Although I don't love Jay, I feel like it could be possible in time. This is my family now, and I wouldn't want it any other way. I think of Rowan and all the amazing time we had. I wish more than nothing for him to be here with me, not as a lover but as a brother. I think of my father, and how proud he must be of me. My mother crosses my mind but I don't dwell on it. All the times with my old pack rush to me like waves. My time as an alpha is over, I am now a luna, a mother, and a mate. 

No matter how hard things get, I will remember who I am, but I will never forget who I was. With that, I seal my new fate and begin my new journey with two simple words. "I do."


So, this is the last chapter. I am sorry for those of you who didn't like it. You can see that Jay and Emma's relationship are growing but it isn't there and it may never be. I will let you guys imagine that. 

Thank you all so much for being so supportive through-out this story. I am sure there are many many unanswered questions but that's alright, because it's good to let you guys wonder.

Thank you Challengers.

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