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There were angry voices sounding in the hallway when I awakened. I blinked and stretched and turned around to see that Cade has left all but an imprint of his body on the white sheets.

"...it's not your decision...leave..."

"You...best for you...don't..."

I could only hear fierce whispers from the room so curious, I cracked the door open an inch.

"You can't date her Cade. She's an orphan," a voice said, a female one I presumed.

"Shut up Cassie. Can you just leave it for once?"

"I just don't believe this is what you want. I really don't think you should handle her right now and mom's worried about your health."

"See, this is exactly the reason why I left. Get out. I don't want her to see you," he said bitterly.

"Are you ashamed of me? How can you be after all I've done for you?" she cried, no longer disguising her voice.

"Get out. Tell mom to stop calling as well I'm not sick in any way," his response was cold.

"I'll remember this Cade. Don't you dare come back to me when this girl breaks your heart, I know how much you love lost causes. I haven't forgotten-"


I heard a thud and scuffling and feet racing down the steps. Stunned, I walked to the window to see who the visitor was. A moment later, a figure stepped out into the driveway. She had on a beige coat and flowing brown hair that shined in the sun. I watched her walk in her high heels and she took out her phone from her wristlet before hailing a cab at the intersection. In one final flourish, she whipped her head back and peered straight into my window. She had the same set eyes as Cade but hers were a muted blue. I turned around and sank back into the bed, heart jumping from my chest. A door banged and shook the entire house.

I got up and walked down the hall to his room and didn't bother before opening the door. A breeze of cold air entered the room and the white lace curtains were billowing beside the entrance of the balcony. He was leaning against the railing (once again) and lighting matches and flicking the burnt bits into a potted plant.

"Was that your sister?" I asked, wide-eyed. He turned around, eyes flashing. They softened when looked at me.

"Did you...hear any of that?"

"Just a bit," I said.

"She doesn't mean it. She's just Cassie, making assumptions and being vindictive," he sighed and rubbed his eyes. I wanted to hug him and console him, like he had for the past few months but I withheld. Despite not knowing me, Cassie was right.

If my silence indicated anything, Cade picked up on it. He shifted so he was facing me.

"She's wrong. Because she assumed we're dating and because she only read about you on the newspaper. And she doesn't want to see me be near any girl because one of her friends has eyes on me. Okay?" He smiled softly but I knew he knew I was doubtful.

"I'm on the newspaper?"

"A few weeks ago," he said.

"You didn't tell me."

"I didn't think it was important," he shrugged.

So he knew of my circumstance and yet he never mentioned it. I was sure he was certain that I was at the cemetery that day, burying my parents. And then, I was grateful that he never treated me any different. Perhaps he had. Perhaps that's the reason why he first took me back to his home and perhaps that's why he kept checking up on me.

"I'm heading off to the studio today," I said and headed to the bathroom before he could say anything.


Aldous was relentless.

"Eden your turnout!" he yelled. Some of my hair had escaped its tight knot and was clinging to my forehead and neck.

"Merde," he swore under his breath, "have you been practicing at all?"

I nodded, chest heaving, as I dusted the top of my shoes with rosin. My cheeks were flushed and my leotard soaked through with sweat.

"Is that boy distracting you?"

"Non, Aldous," I replied. He liked it when we conversed in French.

"Tu ne peux pas avoir un petit ami en ce moment," he berated me.

"Il n'est pas mon petit ami!"

"Ne pas dire un mensonge," he warned.

"Je suis honnête avec toi," I protested.

"C'est dommage," he tsked and shook his head.

"Venez-ici," he beckoned. "I have tickets for the show already, give these to your friends or your aunt. Also, I need to talk to you about something."

"What is it?"

"We are going on tour to Europe. You are invited to come along with the principal dancers and after you come back, we are going to ask you to sign a contract," he said in a hushed voice.

My breathing became shallow. "A contract?"

"To join the principal dancers," his eyes glittered.

I broke out into a wide smile and I felt happy for the first time this year. My insides bubbled in the most delicious way.


I raced back to tell Cade of this news but as I reached his front door, I was reminded of this morning and of his sister's voice. Preoccupied, I walked back to my own home and up the third floor so I could take my mind off of things. There, I spent hours perfecting my technique and memorising my acts. The strain of my day finally showed when I felt pressure in the same ankle that I had twisted a few weeks back. I grimaced and decided to stop and shower. Before I could get to the bathroom, the doorbell rang.

The door opened to reveal Cade, who looked out of breath and who had worry in his wide eyes. He smelled faintly of detergent, cologne, and smoke.

"Where were you?" he asked.

"At the studio. I thought I told you. Is something wrong?"

He shook his head. "Did you not come because of this morning?"

My eyes studied the marble separating the inside of the house and where he was standing. There was a thin coating of dust and I realised I had spent most of my time next door when I wasn't practicing. There was no doubt the inside of the townhouse was also covered in dust.

"If you want to spend the night at yours, that's fine," he said.

It was my turn to shake my head and I thought about how he had been listless and having trouble sleeping and of the drowsy exchange we had last night where we were both driven with fatigue. There was no time to address the kiss and there was also the I don't want to for fear of us.

I grabbed my overnight bag and followed him back to his.


Here are the translations if you were wondering:

"You cannot have a boyfriend at this moment."

"He's not my boyfriend!"

"Don't tell a lie."

"I am honest with you."

"What a pity."

And then

"Come here."

They use tu with each other instead of vous as they are close friends and have no need to greet each other formally.

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